Statutory Instruments
28th February 1991
Coming into force
1st March 1991
In exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 216(2) of the Education Reform Act 1988(1), the Secretary of State for Education and Science hereby makes the following Order:
1. This Order may be cited as the Education (Listed Bodies) Order 1991 and shall come into force on lst March 1991.
2. The bodies which are specified in the Schedule to this Order comprise all those bodies which appear to the Secretary of State to fall within section 216(3) of the Education Reform Act 1988.
3. The Education (Listed Bodies) Order 1988(2) and the Education (Listed Bodies) (Amendment) Order 1989(3) are hereby revoked.
Kenneth Clarke
Secretary of State for Education and Science
28th February 1991
Article 2
Anglia Higher Education College
Anglo-European College of Chiropractic, Bournemouth
Ashridge Management College
Bangor Normal College
Bath College of Higher Education
Bedford College of Higher Education
Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies
Birmingham Polytechnic
Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln
Blackfriars, Oxford
Bolton Institute of Higher Education
Bournemouth Polytechnic
Bradford and Ilkley Community College
Bretton Hall
Brighton Polytechnic
Bristol Polytechnic
British School of Osteopathy, London
Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education
Camborne School of Mines
Cambridge Institute of Education
Central Manchester College of Technology
Central School of Speech and Drama, London
Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham
Charing Cross Hospital, London
Charlotte Mason College of Education, Ambleside
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education
Chester College of Higher Education
Chichester Theological College
Christ Church College of Higher Education, Canterbury
City of London Polytechnic
Colchester Institute
College of Petroleum Studies, Oxford
College of Ripon and York St John
College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth
Coventry Polytechic
Craigie College of Education, Ayr
Crewe and Alsager College of Higher Education
Dartington College of Arts, Totnes
Derbyshire College of Higher Education
Doncaster College
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee
Dundee Institute of Technology
Ealing College of Higher Education
Edgehill Theological College, Belfast
Edge Hill College of Higher Education, Ormskirk
Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh
Falmouth School of Art and Design
Glasgow Polytechnic
Gwent College of Higher Education
Harper Adams Agricultural College
Hatfield Polytechnic
Henley Management College
Hertfordshire College of Art and Design
Hillingdon Hospital, Postgraduate Centre
Humberside Polytechnic
Institute for Biotechnological Studies, London
Institute of Advance Nursing Education, London
Irish Baptist College, Belfast
Jews' College, London
Jordanhill College of Education, Glasgow
Kent Institute of Art and Design
King Alfred's College, Winchester
Kingston Polytechnic
La Sainte Union College of Higher Education, Southampton
Laban Centre for Movement and Dance, London
Lancashire Polytechnic
Leeds Polytechnic
Leicester Polytechnic
Leicestershire County Council, Department of Education
Limerick College of Art, Commerce and Technology
Lincoln Theological College, Lincoln
Liverpool Institute of Higher Education
London Bible College
London College of Dance, Bedford
London Contemporary Dance School
Loughborough College of Art and Design
Luton College of Higher Education
Manchester Polytechnic
Manchester Royal Infirmary, School of Physiotherapy
Middlesex Polytechnic
Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh
Napier Polytechnic of Edinburgh
Nene College, Northampton
New College, Durham
Newcastle Upon Tyne Polytechnic
Newman College, Birmingham
Norfolk Institute of Art and Design
North Cheshire College, Warrington.
North East Surrey College of Technology, Ewell
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, Wrexham and Connahs Quay
North Riding College, Scarborough
Northern College of Education
Norwich City College of Further and Higher Education
Nottingham Polytechnic
Oak Hill College, London
Oxford Polytechnic
Paisley College of Technology, Paisley
Pinderfields College of Physiotherapy, Wakefield
Polytechnic of Central London
Polytechnic of East London
Polytechnic of North London
Polytechnic of Wales
Polytechnic South West
Portsmouth Polytechnic
Queen's College, Birmingham
Queen Elizabeth Hospital School of Physiotherapy
Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh
RAF College, Cranwell
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, Chislehurst
Ripon College, Oxford
Roehampton Institute of Higher Education
Roffey Park Institute Limited, Horsham
Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama, Sidcup
Royal Orthopaedic Hospital School of Physiotherapy
Royal Naval College, London
Royal Naval Engineering College, Plymouth
Royal Northern College of Music
Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester
Royal Academy of Music, London
Salford College of Technology
Salisbury and Wells Theological College
Scottish College of Textiles, Galashiels
Sheffield City Polytechnic
South Bank Polytechnic, London
South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education, Cardiff
Southampton Institute of Higher Education
Southampton University College of Nursing and Midwifery
Spurgeon's College, London
St Andrew's College of Education, Glasgow
St John's Seminary, Wonersh
St John's Theological College, Nottingham
St Martin's College, Lancaster
St Mary's College, Belfast
St Mary's College, Twickenham
St Michael's College, Llandaff, Cardiff
St Stephen's House, Oxford
Staffordshire Polytechnic
Stockport College of Further and Higher Education
Stranmillis College, Belfast
Sunderland Polytechnic
Tavistock Clinic, London
Teesside Polytechnic
Templeton College, Oxford
Thames Polytechnic
Thames Valley College of Higher Education, Slough
The Anglican Chaplaincy, Bangor
The Bala-Bangor Centre, Bangor
The British Isles Nazarene College
The College of Welsh Independents, Aberystwyth
The Computer Integrated Manufacturing Institute, Cranfield
The Cranfield Information Technology Institute
The Glasgow School of Art
The Liverpool Polytechnic
The London Institute
The North Wales Baptist College, Bangor
The Polytechnic of Huddersfield
The Queen's College, Glasgow
The Robert Gordon Institute of Technology, Aberdeen
The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Glasgow
The Scottish Agricultural College
The South Wales Baptist College, Cardiff
The United Theological College, Aberystwyth
Trinity and All Saints' College, Horsforth, Leeds
Trinity College, Bristol
Trinity College, Carmarthen
Trinity College of Music, London
Watford College
Welsh Agricultural College
Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff
West Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education, Swansea
West London Institute of Higher Education
West Surrey College of Art and Design, Farnham
West Sussex Institute of Higher Education, Bognor Regis
Westhill College, Birmingham
Westminster College, Oxford
Wimbledon School of Art
Winchester School of Art
Wolverhampton Polytechnic
Worcester College of Higher Education
Wycliffe Hall, Oxford
Christ's College
Churchill College
Clare College
Clare Hall
Corpus Christi College
Darwin College
Downing College
Emmanuel College
Fitzwilliam College
Girton College
Gonville and Caius College
Homerton College
Hughes Hall
Jesus College
King's College
Lucy Cavendish College
Magdalene College
New Hall
Newnham College
Pembroke College
Queens' College
Robinson College
St Catharine's College
St Edmund's College
St John's College
Selwyn College
Sidney Sussex College
Trinity College
Trinity Hall
Wolfson College
Collingwood College
The Graduate Society
Grey College
Hatfield College
St Aidan's College
St Chad's College
St Cuthbert's Society
College of St Hild and St Bede
St John's College
St Mary's College
Trevelyan College
University College
Van Mildert College
Ushaw College
Darwin College
Eliot College
Keynes College
Rutherford College
Bowland College
Cartmel College
The County College
Furness College
Fylde College
The Graduate College
Grizedale College
Lonsdale College
Pendle College
Schools of the University
Birkbeck College
The British Postgraduate Medical Foundation comprising-
Institute of Cancer Research
National Heart and Lung Institute
Institute of Child Health
Institute of Dental Surgery
The Hunterian Institute
Institute of Neurology
Institute of Ophthalmology
Institute of Psychiatry
Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School
Goldsmiths' College
Heythrop College
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Institute of Education
King's College London
London Business School
The London Hospital Medical College
London School of Economics and Political Science
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
Royal Postgraduate Medical School
Royal Veterinary College
St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College
St George's Hospital Medical School
The School of Oriental and African Studies
The School of Pharmacy
United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals
University College London
Wye College
Senate Institutes
British Institute in Paris
Courtauld Institute of Art
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Institute of Classical Studies
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Institute of Germanic Studies
Institute of Historical Research including the Institute of United States Studies
Institute of Latin American Studies
Institute of Romance Studies
School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Warburg Institute
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
Manchester Business School
All Souls College
Balliol College
Brasenose College
Christ Church
Corpus Christi College
Exeter College
Green College
Hertford College
Jesus College
Keble College
Lady Margaret Hall
Linacre College
Lincoln College
Magdalen College
Merton College
New College
Nuffield College
Oriel College
Pembroke College
The Queen's College
St Anne's College
St Antony's College
St Catherine's College
St Cross College
St Edmund Hall
St Hilda's College
St Hugh's College
St John's College
St Peter's College
Somerville College
Trinity College
University College
Wadham College
Wolfson College
Worcester College
Permanent Private Halls
Campion Hall
Manchester College
Mansfield College
Regent's Park College
St Benet's Hall
St Leonard's College
St Mary's College
United College of St Salvator and St Leonard
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth
University College of North Wales, Bangor
University of Wales, College of Cardiff
University College of Swansea
University of Wales College of Medicine
St David's University College, Lampeter
Alcuin College
Derwent College
Goodricke College
James College
Langwith College
Vanbrugh College
Wentworth College
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order contains the list of the names of each body which is not a recognised body within section 214(2) (a) or (b) of the Education Reform Act 1988 but which either-
(a)provides any course which is in preparation for a degree to be granted by such a recognised body and is approved by or on behalf of that body; or
(b)is a constituent college, school or hall or other institution of a university which is such a recognised body.
A recognised body within section 214(2) (a) or (b) of the 1988 Act is one which is authorised by Royal Charter or Act of Parliament to grant degrees or one which is permitted by a body so authorised to act on its behalf in the granting of degrees. Such degrees are "recognised awards" and the provision in section 214(1) of that Act, which makes it an offence to grant, offer to grant or issue any invitation relating to certain unrecognised degrees and awards, does not apply to them.
This Order updates and replaces the list of bodies contained in the Education (Listed Bodies) Order 1988 as amended by the Education (Listed Bodies) (Amendment) Order 1989 both of which are revoked.