Statutory Instruments
25th September 1991
Coming into force
31st October 1991
1. The new highways which the Secretary of State proposes to construct-
(a)along the route described in Schedule 1 (the highway along this route being in this Order referred to as "the main new trunk road"); and
(b)along the routes described in Schedule 2, which connect the main new trunk road with other highways at the places stated in that Schedule (the highways along these routes being in this Order referred to as "the slip roads"),
shall become trunk roads as from the date when this Order comes into force.
2. The centre line of each of the new trunk roads is indicated by a heavy black line on the deposited plan.
3. The Secretary of State directs that as respects any part of a highway which crosses the route of any of the new trunk roads that-
(a)where a highway is a highway maintainable at the public expense by a local highway authority, the part in question shall be maintained by that authority; and
(b)where the highway is not a highway so maintainable and is not maintainable under a special enactment or by reason of tenure, enclosure or prescription, the Secretary of State shall be under no duty to maintain the part in question,
until, in either case, a date to be specified in a notice given by the Secretary of State to the highway authority for that highway. The date specified will not be later than the date on which the relevant route is opened for through traffic.
4. In this Order-
(1) all measurements of distance are measured along the route of the relevant highway;
(2) (i) "the deposited plan" means the plan numbered HA10/2E/317 marked "The A41 London-“Birmingham Trunk Road (Aston Clinton Bypass and Slip Roads) Order 1991", signed by authority of the Secretary of State and deposited at the Department of Transport, Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3PY;
(ii)"the Trunk Road" means the London-“Birmingham Trunk Road (A41); and
(iii)"the new trunk roads" means the main new trunk road and the slip roads.
(3) a reference to a numbered article or Schedule is a reference to the article in, or the Schedule to, this Order which bears that number.
5. This Order shall come into force on 31st October 1991 and may be cited as the A41 London-“Birmingham Trunk Road (Aston Clinton Bypass and Slip Roads) Order 1991.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport
Peter Emms
Regional Director Eastern Region, Departent of Transport
25th September 1991
The route of the main new trunk road is at Aston Clinton in the County of Buckinghamshire, about 6.4 kilometres in length, starting at a point on the Trunk Road about 1060 metres southeast of its junction with New Road, Weston Turville, then going in a generally easterly direction (crossing U100 College Road and U101 Buckland) and then in a generally southeasterly direction (crossing B489 Lower Icknield Way and the Grand Union Canal (Wendover Arm)) to connect with the Trunk Road at the north western end of the Tring Bypass.
The routes of the slip roads are at:-
(1) Junction with College Road U100 at Aston Clinton-“
(a)a route connecting the eastbound carriageway of the main new trunk road with the above-mentioned road (given the reference number 1 on the deposited plan), and
(b)a route connecting the westbound carriageway of the main new trunk road with a road to be constructed by the Secretary of State, linking with the above-mentioned road (given the reference number 2 on the deposited plan).
(2) Junction with Lower Icknield Way B489 at Buckland/Drayton Beuchamp-“
(a)a route leading from the eastbound carriageway of the main new trunk road to the above-mentioned road (given the reference number 3 on the deposited plan), and
(b)a route leading to the westbound carriageway of the main new trunk road from the above-mentioned road (given the reference number 4 on the deposited plan).
(3) Junction with the Trunk Road at Drayton Beauchamp Tring Hill, Upper Icknield Way B488, Aylesbury Road A4251, A41(T) Tring Bypass-“
(a)a route leading from the eastbound carriageway of the main new trunk road to a roundabout to be constructed by the Secretary of State on the B488 Upper Icknield Way (given the reference number 5 on the deposited plan),
(b)a route leading to the westbound carriageway of the main new trunk road from a roundabout to be constructed by the Secretary of State on the trunk road (given the reference number 6 on the deposited plan),
(c)a route leading to the eastbound carriageway of the main new trunk road from a roundabout described at (a) above (given the reference number 7 on the deposited plan), and
(d)a route leading from the westbound carriageway of the main new trunk road to a roundabout described at (b) above (given the reference number 8 on the deposited plan).
S.I. 1981/238.