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Statutory Instruments
1st May 1991
Laid before Parliament
9th May 1991
Coming into force
3rd June 1991
The Secretary of State for Transport in exercise of the powersconferred by sections 89(3) and (4)(b), 105(1) and (4) and 108(1)(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1988(2), and of all other enabling powers, and afterconsultation with representative organisations in accordance withsection 195(2) of that Act, and with the approval of the Treasury,hereby makes the following Regulations:
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (DrivingLicences) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1991 and shall come into forceon 3rd June 1991.
2.-(1) The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1987(3) shall be amended in accordance with the followingprovisions of this regulation.
(2) In regulation 19 (Fees in respect of tests) for paragraph (3) thereshall be substituted the following paragraphs-
"(3) The fee payable in respect of a test to be conducted on a dayother than a Saturday by an examiner appointed under paragraph 1(a) ofregulation 14 is-
(a)in the case of a test to drive a motor vehicle in category A orcategory P-
(i)£26 if the application for the test is made before 3rd June1991; and
(ii)£28.50 if that application is made on or after that date; and
(b)in the case of any other test-
(i)£19.50 if the application for the test is made before 3rd June1991; and
(ii)£21.50 if that application is made on or after that date,
save that no fee is payable in respect of a test to be taken in an invalid carriage.
(3A) The fee payable in respect of a test to be conducted on a Saturdayby an examiner appointed under paragraph 1(a) of regulation 14is-
(a)in the case of a test to drive a motor vehicle in category A orcategory P-
(i)£26 if the application for the test is made before 3rd June1991; and
(ii)£44 if that application is made on or after that date; and
(b)in the case of any other test-
(i)£19.50 if the application for the test is made before 3rd June1991; and
(ii)£35 if that application is made on or after that date,
save that no fee is payable in respect of a test to be taken in an invalid carriage."
(3) In paragraph (5) of regulation 19 for"£19.50" there shall be substituted"£21.50".
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport
Christopher Chope
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,
Department of Transport
30th April 1991
We approve the making of these Regulations.
Thomas Sackville
Irvine Patnick
Two of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury
1st May 1992
(This note is not part of the Regulations)
These Regulations amend regulation 19 of the Motor Vehicles(Driving Licences) Regulations 1987 so as to-
(a)increase the fee payable for a driving test; and
(b)introduce a premium fee for a driving test taken on a Saturday.
The fee for a test to drive a motor bicycle or a moped is increasedfrom £26 to £28.50 in respect of a test taken on a week-day,and from £26 to £44 in respect of a test taken on aSaturday. The fee for any other test conducted by an examiner appointedunder regulation 14(1)(a) is increased from £19.50 to £21.50in respect of a test taken on a week-day, and from £19.50 to£35 in respect of a test taken on a Saturday. The fee for Londontaxi driver tests is increased from £19.50 to £21.50.
No fee is charged in respect of a driving test taken in an invalidcarriage.
See the definition of"prescribed" and"regulations".
1988 c. 52; section 89(4)(b) is to be read with theDepartment of Transport (Fees) Order 1988 (S.I. 1988/643), where therelevant entry is in Schedule 1, Table VI, item 1A. Table VI wasinserted by the Department of Transport (Fees) (Amendment) Order 1991(S.I. 1991/811).