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Statutory Instruments
11th April 1991
1. The North Yorkshire County Council (Rampart Bridge) Scheme 1986 ishereby confirmed without modifications.
2. The said Scheme as confirmed (hereinafter referred to as"the Scheme") is set out in the Schedule hereto and copies of the Scheme withits accompanying plans are deposited at the offices of the Department ofTransport, (Network Management Division), Yorkshire and HumbersideRegional Office, City House, Leeds LS1 4JD and at the offices of TheCounty Solicitor, North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall,Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 8AD; The Library, Victoria Avenue,Harrogate and The Library, Market Square, Knaresborough.
3. The Scheme will become operative on the date on which notice that ithas been confirmed is first published in accordance with paragraph 1 ofSchedule 2 to the Highways Act 1980.
4. This Instrument may be cited as the North Yorkshire County Council(Rampart Bridge) Scheme 1986 Confirmation Instrument 1991.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport
J. P. Henry
Regional Director Yorkshire and Humberside Region of the
Department of Transport
11th April 1991
The Council of the County of North Yorkshire (hereinafter referredto as"the Council") make this Scheme in exercise of their powers under Sections 106(3)and 108(4) of the Highways Act 1980 and of all other enablingpowers:-
1. The Council are authorised to construct over the navigable waters ofthe River Nidd the bridge specified in Part 1 of the Schedule hereto aspart of the highway which they are proposing to construct from the B6164Wetherby Road to the A59 York Road known as the Harrogate andKnaresborough Southern Bypass.
2. The Council are also authorised in connection with the constructionof that bridge to divert the part of the navigable water coursespecified in Part 2 of the said schedule in the manner shown in thatPart of the Schedule.
3. This Scheme may be cited as the North Yorkshire County Council(Rampart Bridge) Scheme 1986.
Given under the Common Seal of the Council the fourteenth day ofMarch 1986.
The bridge to be constructed is intended to carry the Harrogate andKnaresborough Southern Bypass across the River Nidd in Knaresboroughparish. The location of the bridge is shown on the plan annexed heretoand the bridge will consist of one central span of 20 metres betweenpiers and two side spans of 9.750 metres each between bank seat and pieras shown on the said plan. The proposed bridge has a minimum clearanceof 5.30 metres above a datum which is 28.5 metres above ordnance datumand is approximately the summer river level.
1. The diversion of the River Nidd along a new channel, the channel tobe approx. 20m wide and 4m deep and to run between a point approx. 450metres east of Knaresborough Sewage Works to a point approx. 250 metressouthwest of Greystones Farm.
2. The above works are to enable a bridge to be built across the RiverNidd to carry the proposed Harrogate-Knaresborough SouthernBypass.
3. The River Authority for the navigable watercourse is the YorkshireWater Authority.
S.I. 1981/238.