Statutory Instruments
21st February 1989
Coming into force
14th April 1989
1. The new highway which the Secretary of State proposes to construct along the route described in Schedule 1 to this Order shall become a trunk road as from the date when this Order comes into force.
2. The centre line of the new trunk road is indicated by a heavy black line on the deposited plan.
3. The Secretary of State directs as respects any part of a highway which crosses the route of the new trunk road that-
(a)where the highway is a highway maintainable at the public expense by a local highway authority, the part in question shall be maintained by that authority, and
(b)where the highway is not a highway so maintainable and is not maintainable under a special enactment or by reason of tenure, enclosure or prescription, the Secretary of State shall be under no duty to maintain the part in question, until, in either case, a date to be specified in a notice given by the Secretary of State to the highway authority for that highway. The date specified will not be later than the date on which the new trunk road is opened for the purposes of through traffic.
4. The length of the Trunk Road described in Schedule 2 to this Order and shown by broad striped hatching on the deposited plan shall cease to be a trunk road as from the date on which the Secretary of State notifies the County Council of Lancashire that the new trunk road is open for through traffic.
5. In this Order-
(a)all measurements of distance are measured along the route of the relevant highway;
(b)(i)"the deposited plan" means the plan numbered HA 10/1 CNW242 marked "The A59 Samlesbury-Skipton Trunk Road (Improvement from West of Yarlside Lane (B6251) to East of Monk Bridge) Order 1989" signed by authority of the Secretary of State and deposited at the Department of Transport, Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3PY;
(ii)"the New Trunk road" means the highway mentioned in article 1 of this Order; and
(iii)"the Trunk road" means Samlesbury-Skipton Trunk Road (A59).
6. This Order shall come into force on 14th April 1989 and may be cited as the A59 Samlesbury-Skipton Trunk Road (Improvement from West of Yarlside Lane (B6251) to East of Monk Bridge) Order 1989.
F Kendall
Regional Director
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State North West Region Department of Transport
21st February 1989
The route of the new trunk road is at Monk Bridge in the Parish of Horton, in the County of Lancashire, and is about 0.32 kilometres in length, from a point on the Trunk Road 50 metres west of its junction with Yarlside Lane (B6251) in an easterly direction to a point on the Trunk Road 37 metres east of the centre of Monk Bridge.
The length of the Trunk Road ceasing to be a trunk road is situated between the points described in Schedule 1 above.
Units of length
1 kilometre = O.621 of a mile approximately
1 metre = 1.094 yards approximately
S.I. 1981/238