Statutory Instruments
22nd November 1989
1. The County Council of Avon (M32 Motorway (Hambrook Interchange to Lower Ashley Road Interchange) and Connecting Roads) (Revocation) Scheme 1989 is hereby confirmed without modification.
2. The said Scheme as confirmed (hereinafter referred to as "the Scheme") is set out in the Schedule hereto and copies of the Scheme are deposited at the Department of Transport, Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3PY; and at the offices of the County Council of Avon at Avon House, St James Barton, Bristol BS99 7NB.
3. The Scheme will become operative on the date on which notice that it has been confirmed is first published in accordance with paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the Highways Act 1980.
4. This Instrument may be cited as the County Council of Avon (M32 Motorway (Hambrook Interchange to Lower Ashley Road Interchange) and Connecting Roads) (Revocation) Scheme 1989 Confirmation Instrument 1989.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State
G.M. Wedd, CB
Regional Director South West Region
Department of Transport
22nd November 1989
The County Council of Avon in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 16 and 326 of the Highways Act 1980 and of all other enabling powers and as highway authority for the special road known as the M32 Motorway (Hambrook Interchange to Lower Ashley Road Interchange) and connecting roads hereby make this Scheme:-“
1. The City and County of Bristol and County of Gloucester (Bristol Parkway) (Muller Road to Hambrook Spur) Special Roads Scheme 1967 and the City and County of Bristol (Bristol Parkway) (Lower Ashley Road to Muller Road) Special Roads Scheme 1970 are hereby revoked.
2. This Scheme may be cited as the County Council of Avon (M32 Motorway (Hambrook Interchange to Lower Ashley Road Interchange) and Connecting Roads) (Revocation) Scheme 1989.
THE COMMON SEAL of THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF AVON was hereunto affixed in the presence of:-“ 28th February 1989
B.D. Smith
Director of Administration and County Solicitor
S.I. 1981/238.