Statutory Instruments
Approved by both Houses of Parliament
7th June 1989
Laid before Parliament
14th June 1989
Coming into force
20th July 1989
The Secretary of State for the Environment and the Secretary of State for Transport, being the appropriate Minister for the purposes of section 141(3) of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980(1), in exercise of the powers conferred by section 141(1) and (3) of that Act, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the following Order:
1. This Order may be cited as the Sheffield Development Corporation (Vesting of Land) (British Railways Board) Order 1989 and shall come into force on the day after the day on which it is approved by resolution of each House of Parliament.
2.-(1) In this Order-
"the Corporation" means the Sheffield Development Corporation;
"statutory undertakers" does not include any statutory undertakers in relation to whom neither the Secretary of State for the Environment nor the Secretary of State for Transport is the appropriate Minister;
"urban development area" means the area designated as an urban development area by the Sheffield Development Corporation (Area and Constitution) Order 1988(2).
(2) Any reference in this Order to "the map" is a reference to the map entitled "Map referred to in the Sheffield Development Corporation (Vesting of Land) (British Railways Board) Order 1989", of which prints, signed by an Under Secretary in the Department of the Environment, are deposited and available for inspection at the offices of the Secretary of State for the Environment, the Secretary of State for Transport, the council of the city of Sheffield, the British Railways Board and the Corporation.
(3) Any reference in this Order to land shown on the map is a reference to that land shown bounded externally with a black line and either stippled or edged internally with a stippled band on the map.
3. The land described in the Schedule hereto, and now vested in the British Railways Board or in a local authority or other statutory undertakers or public body or in a subsidiary of any of them, being land within the urban development area, is hereby vested in the Corporation.
4. All existing easements and rights in or over other land within the urban development area which are vested in an authority or body mentioned in article 3 above, and which are annexed or appurtenant to land vested by that article or any part thereof, are hereby vested in the Corporation.
Nicolas Ridley
Secretary of State for the Environment
7th June 1989
Paul Channon
Secretary of State for Transport
2nd June 1989
Article 3
Approximately 2ยท62 hectares of land at Brightside Lane, in the city of Sheffield, shown on the map.
(This note is not part of the Order)
This Order vests in the Sheffield Development Corporation certain land which is at present vested in the British Railways Board (or in another body mentioned in section 141(1) of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980), and related easements and similar rights. The land is shown coloured black on the map forming part of this note.
The land and rights are in the area designated by the Sheffield Development Corporation (Area and Constitution) Order 1988, which establishes the Sheffield Development Corporation.
1980 c. 65; as to "appropriate Minister" see section 170(3).
S.I. 1988/1146.