Statutory Instruments
27th September 1988
Laid before Parliament
4th October 1988
Coming into force
25th October 1988
The Secretary of State for Transport, being a Minister designated(1) for the purposes of section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972(2) in relation to the regulation of the type, description, construction or equipment of vehicles and of components of vehicles, and in particular any vehicle type approval scheme, in exercise of the powers conferred by that section and of all other enabling powers, hereby makes the following Regulations:
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (Type Approval) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1988 and shall come into force on 25th October1988.
2.-(1) Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Motor Vehicles (Type Approval) Regulations 1980(3) is hereby amended as follows.
(2) In column 2-
(a)in item 2, there is added-
"or | ||
70/220/EEC asamended by | 16 June 1988 | O.J. L214, 6.8.88, p.1"; |
74/290/EEC, |
77/102/EEC, |
78/665/EEC, |
83/351/EEC, |
88/76/EEC and |
88/436/EEC |
(b)in item 8, there is added-
"or | ||
71/127/EEC asamended by | 16 May 1988 | O.J. L147, 14.6.88 p.77"; and |
79/795/EEC, |
85/205/EEC |
86/562/EEC and |
88/321/EEC |
(c)in item 32, there is added-
"or | ||
77/649 EEC asamended by 81/643/EEC and 88/366/EEC | 17 May 1988 | O.J. L181, 12.7.88, p.40". |
(3) in column 3, in item 2, the words "positive ignition" are omitted.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State
Peter Bottomley
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,
Department of Transport
27th September 1988
(This note is not part of the Regulations)
1. These Regulations further amend the Motor Vehicles (Type Approval) Regulations 1980 so that-
(1) the type approval requirements relating to the measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from positive ignition and diesel engines of motor vehicles are, as an alternative to the existing requirements, the requirements of Council Directive 70/220/EEC as amended by Council Directive 74/290/EEC, Commission Directives 77/102/EEC and 78/665/EEC, and Council Directives 83/351/EEC, 88/76/EEC and 88/436/EEC;
(2) the type approval requirements relating to the rear view mirrors of motor vehicles are, as an alternative to the existing requirements, the requirements of Council Directive 71/127/EEC as amended by Commission Directives 79/795/EEC, 85/205/EEC, 86/562/EEC and 88/321/EEC; and
(3) the type approval requirements relating to the field of vision of motor vehicle drivers are, as an alternative to the existing requirements, the requirements of Council Directive 77/649/EEC as amended by Commission Directives 81/643/EEC and 88/366/EEC.
2. Copies of the Council Directives and Commission Directives referred to in these Regulations may be obtained from Her Majesty's Stationery Office.