Statutory Instruments
18th December 1985
Coming into Operation
19th December 1985
At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 18th day of December 1985
The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council
Whereas by section 3(1) of the Deep Sea Mining (Temporary Provisions) Act 1981 it is enacted that Her Majesty may, if in Her opinion the law of any country contains provisions similar in their aims and effects to the provisions of that Act, by Order in Council designate that country as a reciprocating country for the purposes of that Act:
And whereas Her Majesty is of the opinion that the laws of the countries specified in Schedule 1 to this Order contain provisions similar in their aims and effects to the provisions of that Act:
Now, therefore, Her Majesty, in pursuance of the power conferred upon Her by the said section 3(1), is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:-
1. This Order may be cited as the Deep Sea Mining (Reciprocating Countries) Order 1985 and shall come into operation on 19th December 1985.
2. Each of the countries set out in Schedule 1 to this Order is hereby designated as a reciprocating country for the purposes of the Deep Sea Mining (Temporary Provisions) Act 1981.
3. The Order set out in Schedule 2 to this Order is hereby revoked.
G.I. de Deney
Clerk of the Privy Council
Article 2
Federal Republic of Germany
United States of America
Article 3
The Deep Sea Mining (Reciprocating Countries) Order 1984 (S.I. 1984/1170).
This Order designates France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, the United States of America and Italy as reciprocating countries for the purposes of the Deep Sea Mining (Temporary Provisions) Act 1981. The effect of the designation is that the Secretary of State will refrain from granting a licence for deep sea mining operations over areas already subject to a licence or other authorisation by any of those countries.
This Order supersedes a previous Order (the Deep Sea Mining (Reciprocating Countries) Order 1984) in respect of France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan and the United States of America.