Statutory Instruments
17th August 1982
Laid before Parliament
27th August 1982
Coming into Operation
17th September 1982
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Secretary of State, acting jointly, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 1 and 17 of, and the First Schedule to, the Agricultural Wages Act 1948 and now vested in them(1), and of all their other enabling powers, hereby make the following regulations:-
1.-(1) These regulations may be cited as the Agricultural Wages Board (Amendment) Regulations 1982, and shall come into operation on 17th September 1982.
(2) In these regulations "the principal regulations" means
2.-(1) The principal regulations shall be amended in accordance with the following provisions of this regulation.
(2) In paragraph (1) of regulation 2-
(a)for the definition of "The Minister" there shall be substituted the following definition-
""The Minister" means
, and
(b)after the definition of "The Board" there shall be added the following definitions-
""The NFU Council" means
"The General Executive Council" means
(3) For regulation 3 there shall be substituted the following regulation-
"3.-(1) The members of the Board representing employers shall be nominated by the NFU Council and the members representing workers in agriculture shall be nominated by the General Executive Council.
(2) If the NFU Council or the General Executive Council, as the case may be, shall fail to nominate within such period of the occurrence of any vacancy as the Minister may direct a person to fill such vacancy, the Minister may fill the vacancy by nominating any person whom he may consider to be fit and proper for that purpose to act as a member of the Board.".
(4) For regulation 5 there shall be substituted the following regulation-
"5. The NFU Council, the General Executive Council or the Minister may, by notice to the Secretary of the Board and the member affected, terminate the membership of a person whom it or he has nominated or appointed, as the case may be, if, in the opinion of that Council, General Executive Council or Minister, there is good and sufficient cause for such termination.".
In Witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is hereunto affixed on 16th August 1982.
Peter Walker
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Michael Roberts
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Wales
17th August 1982
These Regulations amend the Agricultural Wages Board Regulations 1949 by providing that the members of the Agricultural Wages Board for England and Wales representing workers in agriculture shall be nominated by the General Executive Council of the Transport and General Workers' Union and not, as previously, that Council and the Executive Committee of the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers. Consequential amendments are made to regulations 2, 3 and 5 of the 1949 Regulations.
In the case of the Secretary of State by virtue of S.I. 1978/272.