Statutory Instruments
17th February 1975
Laid before Parliament
27th February 1975
Coming into Operation
20th March 1975
The Secretary of State for the Environment in exercise of the powers conferred by section 1(5) of the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970 and now vested in him(1), and the Secretary of State for Wales in exercise of powers conferred by the said section 1(5), and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, acting jointly hereby make the following order:-
1. This order may be cited as the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1975 and shall come into operation on 20th March 1975.
2.-(1) The Interpretation Act 1889 shall apply for the interpretation of this order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.
(2) References in this order to the provisions of any enactment shall be construed as references to those provisions as amended by any subsequent enactment.
3. The persons and descriptions of persons specified in the Schedule to this order, being persons and descriptions of persons appearing to the Secretary of State for the Environment and the Secretary of State for Wales to be exercising functions of a public nature, shall be public bodies for the purposes of the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970 in its application to England and Wales.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State.
John Silkin
Minister for Planning and Local Government
Department of the Environment
12th February 1975
John Morris
Secretary of State for Wales
17th February 1975
The Association of Metropolitan Authorities.
The Association of County Councils.
The Association of District Councils.
The Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District.
A Magistrates' Court Committee.
The Arts Council of Great Britain.
The Welsh Arts Council.
A Regional Arts Association.
A Local Arts Council sponsored or grant aided by a local authority.
The British Film Institute.
The Sports Council.
The Sports Council for Wales.
A Regional Sports Council.
The English Tourist Board.
The Wales Tourist Board.
A Regional Tourist Board established by the English Tourist Board or the Wales Tourist Board.
A Passenger Transport Executive.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
The Council for Small Industries in Rural Areas.
The Mid-Wales Industrial Development Association Development Committee.
The Eastern Border Development Association Development Committee.
The Lincolnshire Joint Development Committee.
The West Midlands Development Committee.
The Millom Development Committee.
The English Industrial Estates Corporation.
The Welsh Industrial Estates Corporation.
The Whitley Council for the Staffs of Industrial Estates Corporations.
The Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Executives of Local Authorities.
The Joint Negotiating Committee for Former Approved Schools and Remand Homes in England and Wales.
The National Joint Council for Local Authorities' Services (Manual Workers) (including constituent Provincial Councils).
The Committee on Salary Scales and Service Conditions of Inspectors, Organisers, and Advisory Officers of Local Education Authorities.
The managers, governors or other body responsible for the management of:-
a voluntary aided or special agreement school;
a special school not maintained by a Local Education Authority;
a school or other educational establishment (including a college of education) in receipt of grant under section 100(1)(b) of the Education Act 1944;
within the meaning of the Education Acts of 1944, 1946, 1959, 1962, 1964, 1967. 1968 and 1971.
The managers, governors, or other body responsible for the management of an independent school which operates otherwise than for profit.
The managers, governors or other body responsible for the management of:-
a residential college for adult education;
an establishment for the further education or training of disabled persons.
The Workers' Educational Association and constituent branches.
A Regional Advisory Council for Further Education.
The Welsh Joint Education Committee.
The Council of the Royal College of Art.
The Cranfield Institute of Technology.
A college of London University.
The Wiltshire Rural Music School Ltd.
The Wiltshire Drama Association.
The managers, governors, or other body responsible for the management of:-
a nursery school;
a pre-school playgroup;
a hospital playgroup;
which operates otherwise than for profit.
The Pre-School Playgroups Association and constituent bodies.
Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin.
The managers of a voluntary home registered under the Children Act 1948.
The managers of a controlled or assisted community home provided under the Children and Young Persons Act 1969.
The managers of a home provided by a voluntary organisation operating otherwise than for profit, for the elderly, the physically or mentally handicapped, or unmarried mothers.
The National Council of Social Service.
The Council of Social Service for Wales.
The National Association for Mental Health.
The National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children.
The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association.
The Mental After Care Association.
The Samaritans.
The Richmond Fellowship.
The North, Western, and Southern Regional Associations for the Blind and constituent bodies.
The Wales Council for the Blind and constituent bodies.
St. Dunstan's for Men and Women Blinded on War Service.
The Central Council for the Disabled and affiliated bodies.
The Wales Council for the Disabled and affiliated bodies.
The North, Midland, West and South-East Regional Associations for the Deaf.
The Welsh Association for the Deaf.
The Royal National Institute for the Deaf.
The British Association of the Hard of Hearing.
The National Deaf Children's Society.
The British Deaf Association.
The management committee of a voluntary youth organisation affiliated to the National Council of Voluntary Youth Organisations.
Trustees administering an Alms House Charity.
A housing association registered under Part II of the Housing Act 1974.
A Rural Community Council.
A Village Hall Management Committee.
The Soldiers' Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association.
The National Federation of Women's Institutes and constituent branches.
The National Union of Townswomen's Guilds and constituent branches.
A society for the provision of smallholdings or allotments as mentioned in section 49 of the Smallholdings and Allotments Act 1908.
Local trustees administering allotments.
The Chiltern Mothercraft Training Society.
The Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970 enables local authorities to supply goods and services (subject to certain restrictions) to other local authorities and to public bodies. "Public body" means
S.I.1970/1681 (1970 III, p. 5551).