Statutory Instruments
31st December 1974
Laid before Parliament
15th January 1975
Coming into Operation
5th February 1975
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Secretary of State, acting jointly, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 1, 24(1), 33(1), 77(3), 84(1)(a) and 85(1) of the Diseases of Animals Act 1950 (as adapted to air transport by section 11 of and Schedule 2 to the Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1954 and to hovercraft by the Hovercraft (Application of Enactments) Order 1972(1), and, as respects section 1 of the Act of 1950, as extended by section 3(b) of the Rabies Act 1974, and, as respects section 24(1) of the said Act of 1950, as amended by section 105(1) of the Agriculture Act 1970 and extended by sections 5 and 6 of the said Act of 1974), and now vested in them(2), and of all their other enabling powers, for the purpose of preventing the introduction of rabies into Great Britain, hereby order as follows:-
1. This order, which may be cited as the Rabies (Importation of Dogs, Cats and Other Mammals) Order 1974, shall apply throughout Great Britain, and shall come into operation on 5th February 1975.
2.-(1) In this order, unless the context otherwise requires-
"the Act" means
"animal" means
"authorised carrying agent" means
"authorised quarantine premises" means
"cat" means
"contact animal" means
"dog" means
"inspector" means
"licence" means
"master" means
"the Minister" and "the Ministry" mean
"police constable"
"registered medical practitioner" means
"research premises" means
"veterinary inspector" means
"veterinary surgeon" means
(2) For the purposes of this order, an animal shall be deemed to have been landed in Great Britain immediately it is unloaded or taken out of, or in any other manner leaves or escapes from, a vessel or aircraft, and "land" and "landing" shall be construed accordingly:
(3) The Animals (Importation) Order of 1930(3) shall not apply to animals brought to Great Britain under this order.
(4) The Interpretation Act 1889 applies to the interpretation of this order as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament, and as if this order and the orders hereby revoked were Acts of Parliament.
3. For the purposes of the Act (other than section 25 thereof) in its application to rabies, the definition of "animals" contained in section 84(1) of the Act is hereby extended so as to comprise all animals (other than man) belonging to the orders of mammals specified in Parts I, II and III of Schedule I to this order.
4.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this order, the landing in Great Britain of an animal brought from a place outside Great Britain is hereby prohibited.
(2) The prohibition on landing contained in paragraph (1) above shall not apply to an animal brought to Great Britain from a place in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man:
(3) The prohibition on landing contained in paragraph (1) above shall not apply when the landing is under the authority of a licence previously granted by the Minister, and in accordance with the terms and conditions subject to which it was granted.
(4) The ports and airports which alone may be used for the landing of animals in Great Britain are the ports and airports respectively specified in Part I and Part II of Schedule 2 to this order:
(5) Nothing in paragraph (4) above shall render it unlawful (subject to the authority of an inspector first having been obtained) for an animal to which this order applies to be landed at a place in Great Britain other than the port or airport at which the animal is licensed to be landed to which the vessel or, as the case may be, the aircraft which is bringing the animal to Great Britain is ordered to be diverted in the interest of safety, or in the light of other exceptional circumstances.
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) above, if at any time the Minister has reason to believe that there is an outbreak of rabies in one of the countries referred to in that paragraph, and it appears to him to be necessary to act as a matter of urgency for the purpose of preventing the introduction of that disease into Great Britain, he may direct that the provisions of paragraph (1) above shall apply to animals brought to Great Britain from that country and any such direction shall remain in force for a period of 28 days unless revoked by a subsequent direction before the end of that period.
(7) Where the Minister makes a direction under paragraph (6) above, he shall take all reasonable steps to bring it to the notice of any person who is likely to be affected by it, and in any proceedings for an offence arising by virtue only of the direction, it shall be a defence that at the time when the offence was committed the accused had no reason to believe that the direction was in existence.
(8) For the purposes of this order, an animal which-
(a)is taken from a place in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man to a place outside those countries (whether or not it is landed at that place, or comes into contact with any other animal while there, or during the journey thereto or therefrom), or
(b)while outside Great Britain, comes into contact with an animal to which, if it were brought to Great Britain, the prohibition on landing contained in paragraph (1) above would apply,
shall be deemed to be an animal brought from a place outside Great Britain when landed in Great Britain.
5.-(1) Where an animal specified in Part I of Schedule 1 to this order is landed in Great Britain in accordance with a licence granted under Article 4 above, it shall, after being so landed, be immediately detained and isolated in quarantine at its owner's expense for the rest of its life, at such premises and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the licence; and in the event of such an animal being born in Great Britain (whether or not its parents or any one of them was brought from a place outside Great Britain) it shall, for the purposes of this order, be deemed to be an animal brought from a place outside Great Britain, and the foregoing provisions of this paragraph with regard to detention and isolation in quarantine for life shall apply to that animal.
(2) Where an animal specified in Part II of Schedule 1 to this order is landed in Great Britain in accordance with a licence granted under Article 4 above, it shall, after being so landed, be immediately detained and isolated in quarantine at its owner's expense-
(a)for a period of six calendar months, or
(b)in the case of an animal brought to Great Britain from Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man before the end of a period of detention and isolation in quarantine in that country, for such period as the Minister may specify as will ensure that the animal is detained and isolated in quarantine for an aggregate period of not less than six calendar months from the date of its landing in that country,
at such premises and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the licence; and in the event of any offspring being born to any such animal during the period of its detention and isolation in quarantine, such offspring shall be similarly detained and isolated at its owner's expense for the remainder of the period applying in respect of its dam, or for such shorter period, and at such premises and subject to such conditions, as the Minister may in any particular case direct.
(3) The Minister may by licence permit two or more animals required to be detained under the foregoing provisions of this Article to be kept together in quarantine, subject to such conditions as may be specified in the licence:
(4) Where the Minister is satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist, he may by licence permit other animals to be kept with animals being detained in quarantine under the foregoing provisions of this Article, subject to compliance with such conditions as may be specified in the licence; and where an animal to which such a licence relates has been in contact with an animal detained under the foregoing provisions of this Article, it shall remain in quarantine at its owner's expense for the remainder of the period applying in respect of the animal with which it has been in contact, or for such shorter period as the Minister may in any particular case direct, and shall be treated for the purposes of this order as an animal which has been brought to Great Britain from a place outside Great Britain.
(5) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Article, where an outbreak of rabies occurs at authorised quarantine premises, or where the Minister has reason to suspect that an animal detained or previously detained at such premises may be or may have been affected with that disease, he may (without prejudice to the operation of the provisions of the Rabies Order of 1938(4), or of any order amending, extending or replacing that order), by notice in writing served on the veterinary surgeon or registered medical practitioner supervising the premises, and (where practicable) on the owner of any animal detained thereat, require that any such animal be detained and isolated at its owner's expense for such longer period as may be specified in the notice, and subject to such conditions as may be so specified.
6.-(1) During the period of its detention and isolation in quarantine under the provisions of Article 5(2) above, every dog and cat shall, at its owner's expense, be vaccinated against rabies with a vaccine approved for the purpose by the Minister, in such manner, and on such number of occasions and at such intervals, as the Minister may require either generally, or in relation to a particular case.
(2) Where the Minister is satisfied that a dog or cat has been brought to Great Britain for use at research premises in connection with scientific research, and that the vaccination of the dog or cat might interfere with the kind of research in connection with which it is intended to be used, he may direct that the provisions of paragraph (1) above shall not apply in respect of that animal.
7.-(1) Where an animal is landed in Great Britain in accordance with a licence granted under Article 4 above, it shall be the duty of the person in charge of the animal at the time of landing to ensure that it is either-
(a)immediately handed over to the authorised carrying agent named in the licence, who shall forthwith remove the animal to the authorised quarantine premises specified in the licence at which it is to be kept for the remainder of the period of its detention and isolation in quarantine; or
(b)immediately removed by an authorised carrying agent to premises within or in the vicinity of the port or airport which have been approved by the Minister for the temporary accommodation of animals to which this order applies.
(2) Where an animal is moved under paragraph (1)(b) above to approved premises within or in the vicinity of the port or airport, it shall be detained and isolated there pending its removal without avoidable delay (and in any case, not more than 48 hours after its landing) by an authorised carrying agent to the authorised quarantine premises specified in the licence at which it is to be kept for the remainder of the period of its detention and isolation in quarantine.
(3) During the period of its detention and isolation in quarantine at the authorised quarantine premises specified in the licence, an animal shall not be moved from those premises except to other authorised quarantine premises, or to a vessel or aircraft for exportation, and in either case only by an authorised carrying agent, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a further licence granted by the Minister.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (3) above, where a veterinary inspector is satisfied that an animal to which they apply is in urgent need of veterinary treatment of a kind which cannot be administered at the authorised quarantine premises at which the animal is detained and isolated in quarantine, he may authorise the movement of the animal by an authorised carrying agent to a place at which such treatment can be administered, subject to compliance with such conditions as he may consider appropriate; and it shall be the duty of the veterinary surgeon or registered medical practitioner supervising the authorised quarantine premises at which the animal is being detained to ensure that all such conditions are complied with.
(5) Where, in accordance with Article 4(5) above, an animal is landed at a place in Great Britain other than the port or airport at which it is licensed to be landed, a veterinary inspector may authorise the movement of such animal by a person other than an authorised carrying agent, subject to compliance with such conditions as he may consider appropriate.
8.-(1) Subject to paragraph (7) below, the provisions of Articles 4(1) and (3), 5, 6 and 7 above shall not apply to an animal landed at a port or airport in Great Britain in circumstances where satisfactory arrangements have previously been made for the exportation of that animal from that port or airport within a period of 48 hours after its landing; and it shall be for the person who purports to land an animal under the foregoing provisions of this paragraph to prove to the satisfaction of an inspector if required so to do that the arrangements referred to in those provisions have been made in respect of that animal.
(2) It shall be the duty of the person for the time being in charge of an animal to which paragraph (1) above applies-
(a)to ensure that the animal is exported from the port or airport within a period of 48 hours after its landing;
(b)subject to sub-paragraph (d) below, to ensure that the animal does not in any circumstances leave the port or airport before it is exported;
(c)in the case of an animal which is at the port or airport for a period not exceeding four hours, to ensure that it is securely confined throughout that period, and kept isolated from any other animal or any contact animal (other than an animal or contact animal with it which it is being transported);
(d)in the case of an animal which is at the port or airport for a period exceeding four hours, to ensure that it is detained throughout that period, and isolated from any other animal or any contact animal (other than an animal or contact animal which with it is being transported) at premises within or in the vicinity of the port or airport which have been approved by the Minister for the temporary accommodation of animals to which this order applies;
(e)to ensure that the animal is only moved during its stay at the port or airport by an authorised carrying agent; and
(f)immediately to report the loss of the animal to an inspector, a police constable or an officer of Customs and Excise.
(3) Subject to paragraph (7) below, the provisions of Articles 4(1), 5, 6 and 7 above shall not apply to an animal landed in Great Britain in compliance with the terms and conditions of a licence previously granted by the Minister authorising the landing of the animal, and its subsequent transit through Great Britain to a port or airport for exportation.
(4) The conditions subject to which a licence referred to in paragraph (3) above shall be granted shall include a condition that the animal to which the licence relates shall only be moved in Great Britain by an authorised carrying agent, and it shall be the duty of the person for the time being in charge of the animal-
(a)to comply with the conditions subject to which the licence was granted;
(b)to ensure that the animal does not come into contact with any other animal or with any contact animal (other than an animal or contact animal with which it has been transported to Great Britain); and
(c)immediately to report the loss of the animal to an inspector, a police constable or an officer of Customs and Excise.
(5) If an animal to which this Article applies is involved while in Great Britain in an incident whereby rabies could be transmitted to a human being, or to another animal or a contact animal (other than an animal or contact animal with which it is permitted to come into contact under the foregoing provisions of this Article), the person for the time being in charge of the animal shall forthwith give notice of the incident to an inspector; and on receipt of such notice, the inspector may, if he considers it expedient so to do, require that the animal shall not leave Great Britain until after it has undergone detention and isolation in quarantine at its owner's expense, at such premises, and for such period (not exceeding six calendar months) and subject to such conditions, as the inspector may direct.
(6) Where an inspector considers that anything connected with an animal to which this Article applies, or connected with the detention, isolation or movement of such an animal, may give rise to the risk of the introduction of rabies into Great Britain, he may by written or oral notice given to the person for the time being in charge of the animal, impose such further conditions with regard to the animal, or with regard to its detention, isolation or movement, as he may consider necessary for the purpose of reducing that risk, and it shall be the duty of the person to whom such notice is given to comply with the requirements thereof.
(7) Where an animal to which the foregoing provisions of this Article apply is not detained and isolated in accordance with those provisions, or is in any other respect the subject of a contravention thereof, that animal shall be deemed to have been illegally landed in Great Britain for the purposes of this order, and the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 below shall accordingly apply thereto.
9.-(1) No premises shall be used for the detention and isolation in quarantine of an animal to which this order applies unless they have been authorised for use for the purpose by a licence granted by the Minister.
(2) A licence shall not be granted under paragraph (1) above unless the Minister is satisfied that the premises to which it relates are under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon or (in the case of research premises only) a registered medical practitioner who has been authorised in writing by him to act in that behalf, and any such authorisation may be issued for such period as may be specified therein, and given subject to such conditions as may be so specified.
(3) A licence granted under paragraph (1) above shall remain in force for such period as may be specified therein, and shall be granted subject to such terms and conditions as may be so specified.
(4) Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Article shall be construed as precluding the Minister at any time from withdrawing an authorisation given or revoking a licence granted thereunder, or from varying the terms or conditions subject to which it was given or granted, but without prejudice to anything lawfully done pursuant thereto before such withdrawal, revocation or variation takes effect.
10.-(1) The Minister may authorise in writing any person to act as an authorised carrying agent in connection with the movement of animals to which this order applies, and any such authorisation may be issued for such period as may be specified therein, and given subject to such terms and conditions as may be so specified.
(2) An authorisation issued by the Minister under paragraph (1) above may relate generally to the movement of animals to which this order applies, or to any class or species of such animals, or to the movement of a specified animal or specified animals on an occasion or on occasions so specified.
(3) Where the Minister has, in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Article, authorised a person to act as an authorised carrying agent, he may at any time withdraw such authorisation, or vary the terms and conditions subject to which it was given, but without prejudice to anything lawfully done pursuant thereto before such withdrawal or variation takes effect.
11.-(1) The person in charge of authorised quarantine premises shall adopt such system for the identification of animals received at such premises, and shall keep such records in relation to their receipt, treatment and subsequent release (or death) and other matters, as may be required by the Minister, either generally or in relation to a particular case.
(2) Every entry in such a record shall be made in a permanent and legible form within 36 hours of the event which is required by this Article to be recorded.
(3) Every entry in such a record shall be retained by the person whose duty it is to keep such records for a period of at least 12 months from such event, and shall be produced by him for inspection at all reasonable times on demand to an inspector or a police constable, who shall be entitled to take a copy of such entry.
(4) A local authority may supply forms of record for the purposes of this Article to any person in the district of the local authority.
12.-(1) Subject to paragraph (2) below, it shall be the duty of the master of a vessel in harbour in Great Britain to ensure that an animal to which this Article applies-
(a)is at all times securely confined within an enclosed part of the vessel from which it cannot escape;
(b)does not come into contact with any other animal or any contact animal (other than an animal or contact animal with which it has been transported to Great Britain); and
(c)is in no circumstances permitted to land.
(2) Paragraph (1)(c) above shall not apply to an animal which is landed-
(a)in accordance with a licence granted under Article 4 above; or
(b)in the circumstances referred to in Article 8 above.
(3) If an animal to which this Article applies is involved in an incident whereby rabies could be transmitted to a human being, or to another animal or a contact animal (other than an animal or contact animal with which it has been transported to Great Britain), the person for the time being in charge of the animal shall forthwith give notice of the incident to an inspector; and on receipt of such notice, the inspector may, if he considers it expedient so to do, require (in the case of an animal which would otherwise not be permitted to land under this Article) that the animal shall not leave Great Britain until after it has undergone detention and isolation in quarantine at its owner's expense, at such premises, and for such period (not exceeding six calendar months) and subject to such conditions, as the inspector may direct.
(4) If an animal to which this Article applies is lost from a vessel in harbour in Great Britain, the Master of that vessel shall forthwith give notice of the loss to an inspector, a police constable or an officer of Customs and Excise.
(5) The provisions of this Article shall apply to any animal which has, within the preceding six calendar months, been in a place outside Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
13.-(1) Without prejudice to Article 14 below,
(a)an animal which is required to be detained and isolated in quarantine under any of the provisions of this order, or under the provisions of a licence granted or notice served hereunder, is not so detained and isolated, or
(b)there is reason to believe that an animal has been landed in Great Britain in contravention of this order or of a licence granted hereunder,
an inspector may by written or oral notice served on the person appearing to him to be in charge of the animal, require that person, at the expense of the owner of the animal or of the person on whom the notice is served, immediately to detain and isolate the animal, and, within the time specified in the notice, to ensure that it is moved in such manner, and in compliance with such conditions, as may be so specified-
(i)to a vessel or aircraft for exportation; or
(ii)to authorised quarantine premises for the purpose of detention and isolation in quarantine at its owner's expense for a period of six calendar months from the date of the notice, or for such shorter period as may be specified therein.
(2) If any person on whom a notice is served under paragraph (1) above fails to comply with the requirements thereof, an inspector may, without prejudice to any proceedings for an offence arising from such default, or arising in connection with any other contravention of this order or of a licence granted or notice served hereunder, seize the animal to which the notice relates, and arrange for the notice to be complied with; and the person on whom the notice was served, and the owner of the animal and any other person having charge thereof, shall render all reasonable assistance to an inspector to enable him to exercise the power conferred by the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, and the reasonable expenses incurred in the exercise of that power shall be recoverable on demand by the Minister or, as the case may be, the local authority as a civil debt from the owner of the animal, or from the person on whom the notice was served.
(3) The operation of a notice served under paragraph (1) above may be terminated by notice to that effect given by an inspector to the owner or person in charge of the animal on proof to the satisfaction of the inspector that the animal was not landed in Great Britain in contravention of this order, or of a licence granted hereunder, or that six calendar months have expired since the date of the landing of the animal.
(4) Without prejudice to Article 14 below, where in respect of an animal to which paragraph (1) above applies an inspector-
(a)has reasonable grounds for believing that the animal does not have an owner, or
(b)is unable, after reasonable inquiry, to trace the owner of the animal, or any person otherwise having charge of it, or
(c)has reason to believe that the service of a notice under paragraph (1) above would result in an unreasonable delay in dealing with the animal,
he may seize the animal, and arrange for its exportation or detention and isolation in quarantine at authorised quarantine premises:
(5) The reasonable expenses incurred in the exercise of the power conferred on an inspector by paragraph (4) above shall, without prejudice to any proceedings arising in connection with any contravention of this order, or of a licence granted hereunder, be recoverable on demand by the Minister or, as the case may be, the local authority as a civil debt from the owner of the animal.
(6) Nothing in this Article shall affect the powers of the Commissioners of Customs and Excise to seize or detain as liable to forfeiture under the Customs and Excise Acts and animal which is landed in Great Britain in contravention of this order, or of a licence granted hereunder, or to institute legal proceedings under those Acts in respect of such contravention.
14. An inspector may destroy or cause to be destroyed any animal landed in Great Britain in contravention of this order, or of a licence granted hereunder, or any animal in respect of which there is, after it has been landed, a contravention of any such licence, and the reasonable expenses incurred in the exercise of the power conferred by the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall, without prejudice to any proceedings arising in connection with a contravention of this order, or of a licence granted hereunder, be recoverable on demand by the Minister or, as the case may be, the local authority as a civil debt from the owner of the animal.
15.-(1) Except as provided for in the foregoing provisions of this order, where an animal or contact animal comes into contact with an animal-
(a)which is being or should be detained and isolated in quarantine under the provisions of this order, or which has escaped from such detention and isolation, or
(b)which is awaiting exportation from a port or airport, or which is in the course of transit through Great Britain, under the provisions of Article 8 above, or
(c)which is on board a vessel in any harbour in Great Britain in circumstances to which Article 12 above applies, or
(d)which has been or which is suspected of having been landed in Great Britain in contravention of the provisions of this order, or of a licence granted hereunder,
the Minister may, by notice in writing served on the owner or other person appearing to him to have the control or custody of the said animal or contact animal, apply such of the provisions of this order thereto as he may consider expedient, with such modifications or variations as may be specified in the notice, and it shall be the duty of the person on whom such a notice is served to comply with the requirements thereof.
(2) A notice served under paragraph (1) above shall remain in force for such period as may be specified therein, unless withdrawn by a further notice served in like manner.
16.-(1) No person shall land or attempt to land an animal in Great Britain the landing of which is prohibited under Article 4(1) above, or cause or permit the landing or attempted landing of any such animal.
(2) It shall be unlawful to contravene any provision of this order, or of a licence granted or notice served hereunder, or to fail to comply with any such provision, or to cause or permit any such contravention or non-compliance.
17. Without prejudice to section 80 of the Act (summary proceedings), any person who knowingly, and with intent to evade any provision of this order, or any provision of a licence granted hereunder,-
(a)lands or attempts to land an animal in Great Britain the landing of which is prohibited by Article 4(1) above, or causes or permits the landing or attempted landing of any such animal, or
(b)lands or attempts to land an animal in Great Britain in contravention of any provision of this order, or of a licence granted hereunder, or in respect of the landing of an animal in Great Britain, fails to comply with any such provision, or causes or permits any such contravention or non-compliance, or
(c)with respect to an animal which has been landed in Great Britain, does or omits to do anything relating to the detention and isolation in quarantine of the animal in contravention of any provision of this order, or of a licence granted hereunder,
commits an offence against the Act, and shall be liable to prosecution on indictment.
18. This order shall, except where otherwise provided, be executed and enforced by the local authority.
19. The following orders, that is to say:-
(i)The Importation of Dogs and Cats Order of 1928(5),
(ii)The Importation of Dogs and Cats (Amendment) Order 1969(6),
(iii)The Importation of Dogs and Cats (Amendment) (No. 1) Order 1970(7),
(iv)The Importation of Dogs and Cats (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 1970(8),
(v)The Importation of Dogs and Cats (Amendment) (No. 3) Order 1970(9), and
(vi)The Rabies (Importation of Mammals) Order 1971(10),
are hereby revoked; but not withstanding such revocation, any licence granted under any of those orders, and in force immediately before the coming into operation of this order, shall have effect as if granted under this order.
In Witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is hereunto affixed on 23rd December 1974.
Frederick Peart
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
William Ross
Secretary of State for Scotland
31st December 1974
Order | Common names of some species (see note below) | |
Chiroptera | Desmodontidae only | Vampire bats |
Order | Common names of some species (see note below) | |
Carnivora | All families and species | Dogs, cats, jackals, foxes, wolves, bears, raccoons, coatis, pandas, otters, weasels, martens, polecats, badgers, skunks, mink, ratels, genets, civets, linsangs, mongooses, hyaenas, ocelets, pumas, cheetahs, lions, tigers, leopards. |
Chiroptera | All families except Desmodontidae | Bats, flying foxes. |
Dermoptera | Flying lemurs | |
Edentata | Anteaters, sloths, armadillos | |
Hyracoidea | Hyraxes | |
Insectivora | Solenodons, tenrecs, otter shrews, golden moles, hedgehogs, elephant shrews, shrews, moles, desmans | |
Lagomorpha | Pikas, rabbits, hares | |
Marsupialia | Opossums, marsupial mice, dasyures, marsupial moles, marsupial anteaters, bandicoots, rat opossums, cuscuses, phalangers, koalas, wombats, wallabies, kangaroos | |
Primates | All families except Hominidae (Man) | Tree-shrews, lemurs, indrises, sifakas, aye-ayes, lorises, bushbabies, tarsiers, titis, uakaris, sakis, howlers, capuchins, squirrel monkeys, marmosets, tamarins, macaques, mangabeys, baboons, langurs, gibbons, great apes |
Rodentia | Gophers, squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, scaly-tailed squirrels, pocket mice, kangaroo-rats, beavers, mountain beavers, springhaas, mice, rats, hamsters, lemmings, voles, gerbils, water rats, dormice, jumping mice, jerboas, porcupines, cavies (including guinea-pigs), capybaras, chinchillas, spiny rats, gundis. |
Order | Common names of some species (see note below) |
Artiodactyla | Pigs, peccaries, hippopotamuses, camels, llamas, chevrotains, deer, giraffes, pronghorns, cattle, antelopes, duikers, gazelles, goats, sheep |
Monotremata | Echidnas, duck-billed platypuses |
Perissodactyla | Horses, asses, zebras, tapirs, rhinoceroses |
Pholidota | Pangolins |
Proboscidea | Elephants |
Tubulidentata | Aardvarks |
Ports and airports at which authorised landings of animals may take place
London (including Tilbury)
International Hoverport, Ramsgate (Pegwell Bay)
Note: Some of the common names of animals included in this Schedule are set out opposite the appropriate reference. The list is for guidance only and does not form part of the order.
For the purpose of preventing the introduction of rabies into Great Britain, this order controls the landing in this country of any animal (other than man) belonging to the ten orders of mammals specified in Parts I and II of Schedule 1. It revokes and replaces the Rabies (Importation of Mammals) Order 1971 and the Importation of Dogs and Cats Order of 1928, together with the four orders of 1969 and 1970 which amended the latter, and it also includes new provisions derived from the powers of the Diseases of Animals Act 1950 as extended by the Rabies Act 1974.
In respect of the animals to which it applies, the order prohibits their landing in Great Britain except under the authority of, and in compliance with the conditions imposed by, a licence previously granted by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in England and Wales and the Secretary of State in Scotland. However, licences are not required in respect of animals coming from Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, provided such animals have not been outside the British Isles within the preceding six months. Nor is a licence necessary in respect of an animal which is landed at a British port or airport for the purpose of re-exportation from the same port or airport within a period of 48 hours, although in this case, the animal is made the subject of stringent controls with regard to its movement, detention and isolation, etc.
Except where exceptional circumstances exist, animals may only be licensed to be landed at prescribed ports and airports, and they must be moved as soon as practicable after landing to authorised quarantine premises at which they are to be kept for the prescribed period of quarantine. The order provides for the majority of animals to which it applies to be detained in quarantine for a period of six calendar months from the date of landing, but in the case of vampire bats, their entry into the country is only permitted on the basis of their being quarantined for life. Moreover, vampire bats which are born in this country are also made subject to quarantine for life.
The order contains detailed provisions relating to the movement of animals during quarantine, the licensing of carrying agents and of quarantine premises, and the control of animals which are passing through Great Britain or which are on board a vessel in a British port. The Ministers are also given power to deal with animals (including animals belonging to the additional orders of mammals specified in Part III of Schedule 1) which have been in contact with animals from abroad, and other provisions relate to the keeping of records, the conditions which may be inserted in licences, and other ancillary matters.
With regard to contraventions of the order, power is given to an inspector of the Ministry or of the local authority to destroy an animal which is landed illegally, or in respect of which there has been a breach of a licence granted under the order. As an alternative he may require such an animal to be re-exported or detained and isolated in quarantine. In addition, a person who knowingly and with intent to evade the provisions of the order or of a licence lands or attempts to land, or causes or permits the landing or attempted landing, of an animal in contravention of the order or a licence, or contravenes any provision thereof with regard to quarantine, is made liable at the option of the prosecuting authority to prosecution on indictment, and accordingly to imprisonment for a maximum term of twelve months or to an unlimited fine, or to both.
(1972 II, p. 3024).
By the Transfer of Functions (Animal Health) Order 1955 (S.I. 1955/958; 1955 I, p. 1184).
(Rev. II, p. 331: 1930, p. 52).
(Rev. II p. 578: 1938 I, p. 206).
(Rev. II, p. 399: 1928 p. 177).
(1969 III, p. 5473).
(1970 I, p. 1275).
(1970 II, p. 1514).
(1970 II, p. 4147).
(1971 III, p. 5853).