Statutory Instruments
8th July 1966
Whereas the
And Whereas the Ministers laid before each House of Parliament the amendment set forth in the said Schedule and the House of Commons resolved on 19th May 1966 and the House of Lords resolved on 17th May 1966 that it should be approved:
Now, therefore, the Ministers in pursuance of section 2 of the Agricultural Marketing Act 1958.and the First Schedule to that Act, acting jointly, hereby make the following order:-
1. This order may be cited as the British Wool Marketing Scheme (Amendment) Order 1966.
2. The amendment of the British Wool Marketing Scheme 1950, as amended, which is set forth in the Schedule hereto is hereby approved and shall come into operation on 18th July 1966.
In Witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is hereunto affixed on 23rd June 1966.
Frederick Peart
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Given under the Seal of the Secretary of State for Scotland on 6th July 1966.
William Ross
Secretary of State for Scotland
Given under the hand of the Secretary of State for the Home Department on 8th July 1966.
Roy Jenkins
Secretary of State for the Home Department
The British Wool Marketing Scheme 1950, as amended, shall be further amended by substituting for sub-paragraph (5) of paragraph 72 the following sub-paragraph:-
"(5) (a) The said valuation shall be conclusive as to the value of the wool unless a tribunal constituted as provided in paragraph 91 of the Scheme (on appeal duly made to it as hereinafter provided), directs that some other value be substituted for the Board's said valuation, in which case the value directed by the tribunal shall be conclusive.
(b)The producer may appeal to the said tribunal against the Board's valuation by giving notice to the Board in writing within ten days after receiving notification of the Board's valuation.
(c)The Board shall be required to have the producer's wool or any part of it (separate and unmixed with wool of other producers) available for inspection by the tribunal if the producer attends personally or by representative at the grading of his wool for the purpose of the Board's valuation and, during or immediately after such grading and before the wool is dispersed to bins or piles, requests the grader to keep his wool or some part of it separate. If, on or before delivery of his wool to the Board or their agent, a producer gives notice to the Board or such agent of his desire so to attend at the grading thereof, the Board shall ensure that he is given a reasonable opportunity of doing so, and upon his attending shall ensure that he is given then and there all the information he may request as to the grading and valuation of his wool. Any reference to a request or notice in sub-paragraph (5)(c) hereof shall include a request or notice made or given orally or in writing.
(d)Where a producer or his representative fails to request as aforesaid that his wool be kept separate, the tribunal upon any such appeal as aforesaid may decide the value of such wool upon such evidence as it may deem proper."
This order approves a further amendment to the British Wool Marketing Scheme 1950, as amended.
The amendment, which is set out in the Schedule to the order, extends the rights of registered producers relating to appeals against the valuation of their wool. The Board is required to afford any producer a reasonable opportunity to witness the grading of his wool; to keep wool separate after grading if, in accordance with certain conditions, the producer (or his representative) so requests; and, should the producer subsequently appeal against the Board's valuation, to produce the wool separately for inspection by the appeals tribunal constituted under the Scheme.
(1950 I, p. 72).
S.I. 1958/2125, 1962/622 (1958 I, p. 73; 1962 I, p. 610).