Statutory Instruments
19th January 1959
Laid before Parliament
23rd January 1959
Coming into Operation
26th January 1959
At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 19th day of January, 1959
The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council
1. Subject to the modifications specified in the Schedule hereto, the provisions of the Act so specified shall extend to:-
(a)the Isle of Man;
(b)the Channel Islands;
(c)all colonies;
(d)all countries outside Her Majesty's dominions in which for the time being Her Majesty has jurisdiction, being countries to which the Copyright Act, 1911, was extended by Order in Council; and
(e)all countries consisting partly of one or more colonies and partly of one or more such countries as are mentioned in the last preceding paragraph.
2. This Order may be cited as the Copyright Act, 1956 (Transitional Extension) Order, 1959, and shall come into operation on the 26th day of January, 1959.
W.G. Agnew
1. So much of section 50(2) of, and the Ninth Schedule to, the Act as effects the repeal of paragraph 10 of the Second Schedule to the Ceylon Independence Act, 1947.
2. Paragraph 41 of the Seventh Schedule to the Act.
Paragraph 41 of the Seventh Schedule to the Act shall extend subject to the following modifications-
(a)After the words "in the law of the United Kingdom" there shall be inserted the words "or of any other country to which that Act extended or which, by virtue of that Act, was to be treated as a country to which it extended"; and
(b)for the words "the law of that country" there shall be substituted the words "the law of the country first mentioned".
This Order provides that the repeal of the Copyright Act, 1911, as part of the law of any country in the Commonwealth (which may be occasioned, for example, by the extension by Order in Council of the provisions of the Copyright Act, 1956, to that country or by the enactment of local legislation similar to that Act) shall not affect the protection enjoyed in respect of works originating in that country in other countries where the Act of 1911 continues to be law.
This Order does not affect copyright in the United Kingdom.