Class II |
1. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on its salaries, building and other accommodation services, and administration, and those of HM Diplomatic Service, official information services, sundry services; and loans and payments in connection with catering services and related receipts. |
225,000 |
3,477,000 |
5. For expenditure on international development by the Department for International Development (formerly known as Foreign and Commonwealth Office–Overseas Development Administration) under the Overseas Development and Co-operation Act 1980 including financial and technical assistance to governments, institutions, voluntary agencies and individuals; capital and other subscriptions and contributions, including payments under guarantee, to multilateral development banks and other international and regional bodies; emergency, refugee and other relief assistance; pensions and allowances in respect of overseas service including contributions to pension funds (including payments under the Overseas Pensions Act 1973, and grants in lieu of pensions); global environment assistance; loans to the Commonwealth Development Corporation under the Commonwealth Development Corporation Acts 1978-“1995; payments to UNESCO; expenditure on the Turkey Ankara Metro mixed credit Aid and Trade provision project; running costs, related capital expenditure and other administrative costs including for the Natural Resources Institute (a former executive agency); and payments (under the authority of the European Communities Act 1972) to certain beneficiaries of the Gibraltar Social Insurance Fund. |
1,000 |
– |
6. For expenditure by the Department for International Development (formerly known as Foreign and Commonwealth Office–Overseas Development Administration) on pension and superannuation payments and compensation payments etc in respect of overseas service and sundry other services and expenditure. |
23,000,000 |
– |
Class IV |
1. For expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry on support for business; research and development, consumer protection and the regulation of trade; improvement of industrial relations including trade union ballots, and payments towards the expenses of the Office of Manpower Economics; regional and selective assistance; the aerospace and shipbuilding industries; exchange risk and other losses; international subscriptions; energy-related programmes including research and development, security of oil and gas supplies, and civil nuclear emergency planning; grants and loans to the British Coal Corporation, liabilities in respect of former coal industry employees, mainly employees of the British Coal Corporation and associated administration costs including arbitration arrangements, grant in aid to the Coal Authority, and support for regeneration mainly of former British Coal sites; assistance to redundant steel workers; departmental administration including expenditure incurred by the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service on competitiveness, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service grant-in-aid, support for industrial tribunals, a share of the running costs of the Government Offices for the Regions, and the disaster recovery costs in respect of the Radiocommunications Agency´s headquarters facilities; central and miscellaneous services; the operational costs of departmental executive agencies; privatisation expenses including the coal, nuclear power and electricity industries; loans to trading funds; petroleum licensing and royalty; provision of land and buildings, loans, grants and other payments. |
1,000 |
1,963,000 |
9. For expenditure by the Office of Gas Supply on administrative and capital costs. |
1,975,000 |
– |
Class VI |
2. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of the Environment on Single Regeneration payments to support urban and other regeneration initiatives; payments to Dearne Valley College; countryside and wildlife payments; grants to voluntary bodies; EU agency payments; central government grants to local authorities for the Single Regeneration Budget; National Park Authorities; countryside and wildlife and publicity payments related to the promotion of the Department´s regeneration and countryside policies and programmes; and the private finance initiative. |
27,000,000 |
613,000 |
5. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, its agencies and the former Department of the Environment on administration including research, royal commissioners, committees, etc; by the Planning Inspectorate Executive Agency on appeals; a grant in aid to the Health and Safety Commission; the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre; the former Building Research Establishment Executive Agency; the residual functions of PSA Services; the privatisation costs of the Building Research Establishment Executive Agency; the costs of the sale of the Housing Corporation Loan Portfolio; and payments and loans to the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre Executive Agency (trading fund). |
1,146,000 |
– |
Class VII |
1. For expenditure by the Home Office on police; the Forensic Science Service; emergency planning; fire services (including grants for private finance initiative projects); the Fire Service College; criminal policy and programmes including offender programmes; the prevention of drug abuse; crime prevention and other services related to crime; research; criminal injuries compensation; organised and international crime including provision for services under the Police Act 1997; control of immigration and nationality (including the employer sanctions helpline); issue of passports; community and constitutional services; firearms compensation and related matters including administration and grants to police authorities under the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997; and on administration (excluding the provision for prisons administration carried on Class VII, Vote 2). |
127,000 |
33,537,000 |
Class VIII |
6. For expenditure by the Department of the Procurator General and Treasury Solicitor, the Treasury Solicitor´s Department Agency, the Government Property Lawyer´s Agency, and the Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers on administration, and on costs and fees for legal and related services. |
1,000 |
11,999,000 |
Class IX |
1. For expenditure by the Department for Education and Employment on grant-maintained schools and schools conducted by Education Associations; voluntary and special schools; the Assisted Places Scheme; the provision of education for under-fives; City Colleges and other specialist schools; music and ballet schools; direct grant schools; the school curriculum and its assessment; the youth service and other educational services and initiatives; careers guidance and services; payments for or in connection with teacher training; higher and further education provision and initiatives; loans to students, student awards and other student grants and their administration; the payment of access funds; reimbursement of fees for qualifying European Community students; compensation payments to teachers and staff of certain institutions; expenditure on other central government grants to local authorities; the provision of training and assessment programmes for young people and adults; initiatives to improve training and qualifications arrangements and access to these; the promotion of enterprise and the encouragement of self employment; payments for education, training and employment projects assisted by the European Union and refunds to the European Union; help for unemployed people; the promotion of equal opportunities and co-ordination of certain issues of particular importance to women; the payment of certain fees to the Home Office; the Department´s own administration and research and that of Capita; information and publicity services; expenditure via Training and Enterprise Councils and amounts retained by them as surpluses and spent by them on training and other initiatives within their articles and memoranda of association. |
10,879,000 |
858,000 |
Class X |
1. For expenditure by the Department of National Heritage on payments in the support of national and other museums and galleries; for the Government Indemnity Scheme; to the Inland Revenue for assets accepted in lieu of tax; in the support of the British Library and other library institutions and services; to the Arts and Sports Councils and for other arts and sports bodies and schemes; to Royal Palaces and Parks; to the Royal Armouries; for historic buildings, ancient monuments, certain public buildings and the national heritage; for the promotion of tourism and European Regional Development Fund projects; to film bodies and projects; to the Welsh Fourth Channel Authority and for certain broadcasting services and schemes including the expenses on the privatisation of the BBC transmission services; for related research, surveys and other services; for central administration costs; for commemorative services; and for a payment to the Home Office (Class VII, Vote 1). |
1,523,000 |
21,000 |
Class XIII |
6. For expenditure by the Scottish Office on administrative costs, operational costs, costs associated with the establishment of a Scottish Parliament and on the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland. |
1,000 |
– |
Class XVI |
1. For expenditure by Her Majesty´s Treasury on economic, financial and related administration including debt management; payments to certain parliamentary bodies and certain other services including expenses in connection with Honours and Dignities; a grant in aid to the Private Finance Panel Executive; and payments in connection with the privatisation of Paymaster. |
1,000 |
419,000 |
15. For expenditure by Her Majesty´s Treasury to repay to the Contingencies Fund certain miscellaneous advances made during the year ended 31 March 1997. |
331,000 |
– |
Class XVII |
1. For expenditure by the Office of the Minister for Public Service on the central management of the civil service; expenditure resulting from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster´s chairmanship of the Ministerial Committee on Food and Safety; price concessions to public libraries; to meet the cost of government and other publications supplied to UK members of the European Parliament; expenditure on the privatisations of executive agencies; certain other services; and a payment to the Department of Trade and Industry (Class IV, Vote 1). |
74,000 |
137,000 |
Total Supplementary 1997-98 |
66,285,000 |
53,024,000 |