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An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on 31st March 1993 and to appropriate the supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.
[16th July 1992]
Most Gracious Sovereign,WE, Your Majesty´s most dutiful and loyal subjects the Commons of the United Kingdom in Parliament assembled, towards making good the supply which we have cheerfully granted to Your Majesty in this Session of Parliament, have resolved to grant unto Your Majesty the sums hereinafter mentioned; and do therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the Queen´s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:–
The Treasury may issue out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom and apply towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty for the service of the year ending on 31st March 1993 the sum of £833,362,000.
The sum granted by this Act out of the said Consolidated Fund towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty amounting, as appears by Schedule (A) annexed to this Act, to the sum of £833,362,000 is appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in Schedule (B) annexed hereto.
The abstract of schedules and schedules annexed hereto, with the notes (if any) to such schedules, shall be deemed to be part of this Act in the same manner as if they had been contained in the body thereof.
In addition to the said sums granted out of the Consolidated Fund, there may be applied out of any money directed, under section 2 of the Public Accounts and Charges Act 1891, to be applied as appropriations in aid of the grants for the services and purposes specified in Schedule (B) annexed hereto the sums respectively set forth in the last column of the said schedule.
This Act may be cited as the Appropriation (No. 2) Act 1992.
Section 2.
Grant out of the Consolidated Fund £833,362,000
Section 2.
Supplementary, 1992-93 | 833,362,000 | 217,197,000 |
Grand Total | 833,362,000 | 217,197,000 |
£ | |
For the service of the year ending 31st March 1993 | |
Under this Act | 833,362,000 |
Schedule of Supplementary Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges for the Services herein particularly mentioned, for the year ended 31st March 1993, viz:–
*Deficit | ||
Class I | ||
1. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on personnel costs etc of the Armed Forces and their Reserves and Cadet Forces etc, personnel costs etc of Defence Ministers and of certain civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence, movements, certain stores, supplies and services, plant and machinery, charter of ships, certain research, lands and buildings, sundry grants and payments abroad | 89,454,000 | *−16,490,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Procurement Executive of the Ministry of Defence in operating its Headquarters and Establishments and for its other common services; for research etc by contract; for lands and buildings; for development by contract, production, repair etc and purchases for sale abroad of sea systems, land systems, air systems and associated equipment; for certain contingent liabilities, and for sundry other Procurement Executive services including those on repayment terms to non-exchequer customers | 1,000 | *−14,714,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on retired pay, pensions and other payments, etc. | 1,000 | 8,000 |
4. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on new construction and maintenance works and related services at defence establishments and on fees and some works costs for visiting forces | 151,873,000 | 2,373,000 |
5. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on the refit and repair of ships, associated capital facilities, on contractors' redundancy costs and administration | 1,000 | – |
Class IV | ||
2. For expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry on departmental administration, central and miscellaneous services; business development, film projects and small firms, the inner cities initiative, industrial research and support, the promotion of inward investment; space technology programmes; the promotion of international trade; consumer protection and the regulation of trade; the operational costs of departmental executive agencies; loans to the Department´s trading funds; measurement and technology support and standards; financial support for the English Industrial Estates Corporation; the provision of land and buildings; loans, grants, other payments, and for payments to the Department of the Environment (Class VIII, Votes 3 and 8) the Department of National Heritage (Class XII, Vote 4 and 5) and HM Treasury (Class XVIII, Vote 1) | 1,000 | 24,384,000 |
5. For expenditure by the Export Credits Guarantee Department in connection with interest support to banks and other lenders of export finance, cover under the tender to contract/forward exchange supplement scheme, grants towards financing of exports to match foreign competition, residual commitments under discontinued guarantees offered to banks and external trade agencies and cost escalation guarantees | 1,200,000 | – |
Class V | ||
1. For expenditure by the Department of Energy and the Department of Trade and Industry on assistance to the coal industry including grants and loans to the British Coal Corporation and payments to mineworkers made redundant before 29 March 1987 | 1,000 | – |
2. For expenditure by the Department of Energy and the Department of Trade and Industry in connection with energy related programmes including research and development; energy efficiency; selective assistance to industry; promotion and security of oil and gas supplies; a payment to the Department of the Environment (Class VIII, Vote 5); grants and certain other services | 1,000 | *−90,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Department of Energy and the Department of Trade and Industry on salaries and other administrative costs, and for a payment to the Department of the Environment (Class VIII, Vote 8) | 32,000 | – |
4. For expenditure by the Department of Energy and the Department of Trade and Industry on the proportionate payment of proceeds from petroleum licensing and royalties; refunds and repayments and other associated expenditure | 1,000 | – |
5. For payment of pensions, etc, to members of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority´s superannuation schemes and other related expenditure | 1,000 | – |
6. For expenditure by the Department of Energy and the Department of Trade and Industry in connection with the privatisation of the electricity supply industry in England and Wales | 1,000 | – |
7. For expenditure by the Department of Energy and the Department of Trade and Industry in connection with the privatisation of the coal industry | 1,000 | – |
Class VI | ||
1. For expenditure by the Department of Employment, including expenditure via Training and Enterprise Councils and local enterprise companies and amounts retained by them as surpluses and spent by them on training and other initiatives within Training and Enterprise Councils' articles and memoranda of association, including the provision of training programmes for young people and adults and initiatives and programmes within education; on the promotion of enterprise, tourism and the encouragement of self-employment and small firms; on help for unemployed people; inner cities initiatives; the improvement of industrial relations; the promotion of equal opportunities and coordination of issues of particular importance to women; industrial tribunals; compensation for persons disabled by certain industrial diseases; payments towards expenses of trade union ballots; on residual liabilities and disposal of the remaining assets of the former National Dock Labour Board; on the costs of maintaining and disposing of the former Skills Training Agency; administration, central and miscellaneous services including assistance on employment issues to eastern Europe in cooperation with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; on research and publicity; and for payments to the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of National Heritage in respect of transferred functions. | 1,000 | *−1,338,000 |
Class VII | ||
3. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on support to nationalised transport industries and rebate of fuel duty to bus operators; and costs of driver testing and training; and for a payment to the Department of the Environment. | 1,000 | – |
Class VIII | ||
1. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on subsidies, improvements and investments, payments to the Housing Corporation, payments to commute loan charges on grants to local authorities including the urban programme and urban development grant, and other sundry services. | 99,600,000 | – |
2. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on housing administration, including payments to the Housing Corporation; housing for single homelessness and special needs accommodation; housing management and mobility; housing research; construction research; rent officers and Rent Assessment Panels; grant in aid to housing action trusts; grants to home improvement agencies; grants for the provision of gypsy sites, grants for sundry housing services and projects and for a payment to the Department of National Heritage (Class VIII, Vote 6). | 1,000 | 13,160,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment and the Department of Trade and Industry on city grants to the private sector for urban regeneration, derelict land reclamation, city action teams, payments in connection with inner cities and derelict land research, payments to the Manchester Olympics Bid Committee, inner city task force projects, grants for urban and housing projects under the city challenge initiative, urban programme grant, urban development grant and payments to urban development corporations, and for a payment to Class VIII, Vote 2 for inner city research. | 62,190,000 | 103,252,000 |
4. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on road infrastructure required for the development of new towns, smoke control, planning redevelopment, other environmental services, other water supply, conservation and sewerage services, and for a payment to Class VIII, Vote 2 for gypsy sites. | 1,000 | – |
5. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on countryside and the environment, including research and support to the environmental protection industry, on grants to the Development Commission, National Rivers Authority and British Waterways Board, on bridge works, on other water supply and sewerage services including civil defence, on national parks, on grants to voluntary bodies, on residual services in connection with the privatisation of the water supply industry, for a payment to Department of National Heritage (Class VIII, Vote 6) and for expenditure on energy efficiency. | 1,000 | 57,080,000 |
6. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment and the Department of National Heritage on Royal Palaces, Historic Royal Palaces Agency (including administration), Royal Parks, Royal Armouries etc. (including administration), historic buildings, ancient monuments and certain public buildings, the national heritage, on the inspection of historic wreck sites; on payments to the Inland Revenue covering assets in lieu of tax, on the assessment of possible listed buildings, a contribution to the Incentive Award Scheme for Art and Architecture and grants to voluntary bodies. | 1,000 | 595,000 |
7. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment (Property Holdings and Central Support Services) on acquisitions, public building work, accommodation services, administration and certain other services for Civil purposes in the United Kingdom, for Ministry of Defence and for civil purposes required in connection with the Channel Fixed Link and for loans to the Buying Agency, and for payments to the Department of the Environment (Class VIII, Vote 8), the House of Commons (Class XIX, A, Vote 2) and the House of Lords (Class XIX, Vote 7) | 1,000 | *−838,000 |
8. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment and its agencies on administration including royal commissions, committees, etc., and by the Planning Inspectorate Executive Agency on appeals, by the Building Research Establishment Executive Agency on buildings and surveys and for a payment to the Department of National Heritage (Class XII, Vote 4) | 1,000 | 12,256,000 |
9. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on revenue support grant including additional grant, on residual payments of rate support grants on payment of non-domestic rates to charging authorities in England, on a grant providing transitional support for certain charging authorities, on a grant to compensate 75% of the revenue expenditure incurred by authorities on preparation work for the council tax, on payments to specified bodies and the Commission for Local Administration in England, on payments for Valuation Office Agency rating and valuation services, on payments to meet the expenses of valuation tribunals, and on payments in respect of expenditure by the Local Government Commission | 56,500,000 | – |
12. For expenditure by PSA Services on works and similar services for other government departments and certain other clients; administrative costs; transitional, residual and restructuring costs; and privatisation expenses | 1,000 | *−55,448,000 |
13. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on the community charge reduction scheme, on further payments of the community charge grant and final payments of preparation and administration grants for 1991-“92, on final payments of rate rebate grants, as emergency financial assistance to local authorities and on repayments of excess contributions made by local authorities and other bodies in respect of non-domestic rates in 1991-“92 and previous years | 1,000 | – |
Class IX | ||
3. For expenditure by the Home Office on police, the forensic science service, emergency planning, fire, the Fire Service College, the Football Licensing Authority, the Arson Prevention Bureau, court services, other services related to crime, probation and after-care, certain broadcasting services, data protection and other miscellaneous services, prevention of drug abuse, control of immigration and nationality, issue of passports etc., community services, and on administration (excluding prisons); and for payments to the Department of Employment (Class VI, Vote 1), the Department of National Heritage (Class XII, Vote 4) and the Department of Health (Class XIII, Vote 3) | 1,000 | *−407,000 |
4. For expenditure by the Home Office and the Department of National Heritage on payments to the British Broadcasting Corporation for home broadcasting and balance of payments in respect of the collection and enforcement of licence fees for 1991-“92, which fall due in 1992-“93; and payments to the Welsh Fourth Channel Authority. | 1,000 | – |
Class XI | ||
1. For expenditure by the Department of Education and Science and the Department for Education on the assisted places scheme, voluntary and special schools, City Technology Colleges, grant maintained schools, music and ballet schools, direct grant schools, youth services, grants for miscellaneous international and other educational services, administration costs of the Student Loan Company, research, sport, on a payment to the Department of National Heritage (Class XII, Vote 5) and on central government grants to local authorities | 50,000 | – |
4. For expenditure by the Department of Education and Science and the Department for Education on administration; for expenditure by the Office of Her Majesty´s Chief Inspector of Schools in England; and for payments to the Department of National Heritage (Class XII, Vote 4) and the Office of the Public Service and Science (Class XIX, Vote 1) | 1,000 | 1,000 |
5. For expenditure by the Department of Education and Science and the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service and Science on payments to the Agricultural and Food Research Council, the Medical Research Council, the Natural Environment Research Council, the Science and Engineering Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Royal Society, the Fellowship of Engineering, the Advisory Board for the Research Councils, and the Centre for Exploitation of Science and Technology including the payment of certain licence fees to the Home Office | 1,000 | – |
Class XII | ||
1. For expenditure by the Office of Arts and Libraries and the Department of National Heritage on payments to the national and other museums and galleries, to the Museums and Galleries Commission, to the National Heritage Memorial Fund; to the Inland Revenue for assets accepted in lieu of tax; and for improvements and for related research, surveys and other services | 1,000 | – |
2. For expenditure by the Office of Arts and Libraries and the Department of National Heritage on payments to the Arts Council and other bodies; on the Government Art Collection; and for research, surveys and other services for the benefit of the arts | 1,000 | – |
3. For expenditure by the Office of Arts and Libraries and the Department of National Heritage on payments to the British Library and the Royal Geographical Society; on the British Library St. Pancras project; the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts; on payments in respect of Public Lending Right; and for a development incentive scheme | 1,000 | – |
4. For expenditure by the Office of Arts and Libraries and the Department of National Heritage on administration | 1,000 | 3,163,000 |
5. For expenditure by the Department of National Heritage on film projects, the promotion of tourism, sport and certain broadcasting services | 1,000 | 72,519,000 |
Class XIII | ||
1. For expenditure by the Department of Health on hospital, community health, family health and family health service administration services, and on related services. | 20,190,000 | – |
2. For expenditure by the Department of Health on family health services, on medical treatment given to people from the United Kingdom in other countries of the European Community and on welfare food. | 20,000,000 | – |
3. For expenditure by the Department of Health on administration, including certain expenditure on behalf of the Department of Social Security, on the national health service in England, on family health administration and related services, on miscellaneous health, personal social and other services (some of which are administered on a United Kingdom basis), including mental health, medical, scientific and technical services, services for disabled persons, grants to voluntary organisations, etc., and a contribution to the International Peto Institute. | 21,428,000 | 680,000 |
4. For expenditure by the Department of Health on National Health Service Trusts and on family health services. | 77,795,000 | – |
6. For the expenditure of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys on administrative and operational costs. | 1,000 | 260,000 |
Class XIV | ||
1. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on non-contributory retirement pensions, Christmas bonus payments to pensioners, pensions etc., for disablement or death arising out of war or service in the armed forces after 2 September 1939 and on sundry other services, on attendance allowances, invalid care allowance, severe disablement allowance, mobility allowance, disability living allowance, disability working allowance; on pensions, gratuities and sundry allowances for disablement and specified deaths arising from industrial causes; on income support, child benefit, one parent benefit, family credit, and on the vaccine damage payment scheme. | 145,000,000 | – |
3. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on sums payable as grants to the Independent Living Fund; on subsidies to housing and local authorities towards the costs of administering the housing benefit scheme and to charging and levying authorities towards the costs of administering the community charge benefit scheme, as grants to Motability towards their administrative costs and to enable them to assist invalid vehicle users and others to have adapted and/or to purchase or lease cars from them, and on sums payable to the Social Fund to finance budgeting loans, crisis loans and community care grants. | 13,981,000 | – |
Class XV | ||
13. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Education Department on: schools, including establishment of self-governing schools; higher and advanced further education; the planned Scottish Higher Education Funding Council; compensation payments; special educational needs; community education; non-advanced further education; curriculum development, international and other educational services, including support for School Boards, training and research, the transitional costs incurred by further education colleges in preparation for direct central government funding; sport; Gaelic broadcasting; arts, libraries, museums and galleries, including purchase grants; cultural activities and organisations including the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Royal Scottish Geographical Society; Scottish Film Production Fund; publicity; indemnities; administration; central government grants to local authorities, including the Careers Service; and EC agency payments. | 1,250,000 | – |
15. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Home and Health Department on the provision of services under the National Health Service in Scotland including National Health Service trusts and certain other services and compensation payments to dental practitioners who opt for early retirement. | 5,000,000 | – |
20. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Environment Department for revenue support grants and grants relating to council tax valuation in Scotland | 47,700,000 | – |
25. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Home and Health Department on hospital, community health, family health and other services, including central health services and civil defence– | 10,800,000 | – |
Class XVI | ||
7. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on National Health Service trusts and on the family health services under the National Health Service | 3,000,000 | – |
8. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on hospital, community health, family health (part) and family health service administration services and on related services | 5,447,000 | – |
Class XVIII | ||
1. For expenditure by Her Majesty´s Treasury on economic, financial and related administration; on computers and general telecommunications; payments to certain parliamentary bodies and the National Economic Development Council; and certain other services including general expenses of certain pay review bodies and expenses in connection with Honours and Dignities, and expenses in connection with the enquiry into the handling of the closure of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International; and for a payment to the Vote for the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service and Science (Class XIX, Vote 1). | 1,000 | 4,382,000 |
19. For expenditure by Her Majesty´s Treasury in connection with the sale of shares in British Telecommunications plc. | 1,000 | 4,799,000 |
20. For expenditure by Her Majesty´s Treasury to repay to the Contingencies Fund certain miscellaneous advances made during the year ended 31 March 1992. | 401,000 | – |
Class XIX | ||
1. For the expenditure by the Office of the Minister for the Civil Service and the Office of Public Service and Science on the central management of the civil service, including public service reform, on the Offices of the Prime Minister, the Government Chief Whip, the Parliamentary Counsel, the Office of Science and Technology and certain other services. | 436,000 | 3,451,000 |
2. For the expenditure by the Cabinet Office on administrative costs and payments to the British National Committee for the History of the Second World War, the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service and Science (Class XIX, Vote 1) and the Department of Employment: Programmes and Central Services (Class VI, Vote 1). | 1,000 | *−65,000 |
7. For expenditure by the House of Lords on accommodation services; including a payment to the House of Commons in respect of administration. | 1,000 | 1,690,000 |
Class XIXA | ||
2. For expenditure by the House of Commons Commission on accommodation services, including administration. | 1,000 | 2,534,000 |
Total Supplementary 1992-93 | 833,362,000 | 217,197,000 |