Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1952
1952 Chapter 7
An Act to amend the law with respect to certain administrative and financial matters and for purposes connected therewith.
[27th May 1952]
S. 1 rep. by 1998 NI 4
S. 2 rep. by 2001 c. 6 (NI)
S. 3 inserts s. 8A in 1950 c. 3 (NI)
S. 4 rep. by 1957 c. 10 (NI)
S. 5 rep. by 1968 c. 21 (NI)
S. 6 rep. by 1964 c. 21 (NI)
S. 7 amends s. 4 of 1923 c. 26 (NI)
S. 8 rep. by 1961 c. 12 (NI)
S. 9 rep. by SLR 1980
10. Interpretation.
— (1) In this Act the expression
“ enactment ” includes any provision in any Act (whether public general, local or private) of the Parliament of Northern Ireland or of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and a provision in any Order in Council, order, regulation, rule, bye-law, scheme or other instrument made under any such Act.
Subs. (2)(3) rep. by 1954 c. 33 (NI) S. 11, with Schedule, effects repeals
12. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the Administrative and Financial Provisons Act (Northern Ireland), 1952.
Schedule rep. by SLR 1973