Game Law Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1951
1951 Chapter 4
An Act to amend the Game Preservation Act (Northern Ireland), 1928; to repeal certain enactments, including certain enactments of the Irish Parliament, relating to the preservation of game; and for purposes connected with those matters.
[23rd January 1951]
S. 1 amends s. 6 of 1928 c. 25 (NI)
S. 2 substitutes s. 7 of 1928 c. 25 (NI)
S. 3 inserts ss. 7A ‐ 7F in 1928 c. 25 (NI)
S. 4(1) substitutes s. 10(2) of 1928 c. 25 (NI); subs. (2) rep. by 1954 c. 33 (NI)
5. Short title and commencement.
— (1) This Act may be cited as the Game Law Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1951
… Commencement …
Subs. (2) rep. by 1954 c. 33 (NI); subs. (3) rep. by SLR 1973
Schedule rep. by SLR 1973