Prorogation Act 1867
1867 c.81 30_and_31_Vict
An Act to simplify the Forms of Prorogation during the Recess of Parliament.
[12th August 1867]
1. Power to Her Majesty to issue proclamation for the prorogation of Parliament.
Whenever (save as herein-after excepted) Her Majesty shall be pleased, by and with the advice of the Privy Council of Her Majesty, to issue her royal proclamation to prorogue Parliament from the day to which it shall then stand summoned or prorogued to any further day being not less than fourteen days from the date thereof, such proclamation shall, without any subsequent issue of a writ or writs patent or commission under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, be a full and sufficient notice to all persons whatever of such the royal intention of Her Majesty, and the Parliament shall thereby stand prorogued to the day and place in such proclamation appointed, notwithstanding any former law, usage, or practice to the contrary.
2. Not to apply to prorogation at close of a session.
This Act shall not apply to the case of the prorogation of Parliament at the close of a session.