The Act of 6 Anne
1706 c.8 6_Ann
An Act for securing the Church of England as by Law established.
Recital of Stat. 3 & 4 Ann. c. 6.ยง13. Reasons for passing this Act.
Whereas by an Act made in the Session of Parliament held in the Third and Fourth Year of Her Majesties Reign whereby Her Majesty was impowered to appoint Commissioners under the Great Seal of England to treat with Commissioners to be authorized by the Parliament of Scotland concerning an Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland It is provided and enacted That the Commissioners to be named in pursuance of the said Act should not treat of or concerning any Alteration of the Liturgy Rites Ceremonies Discipline or Government of the Church as by Law established within this Realm And whereas certain Commissioners appointed by Her Majesty in pursuance of the said Act and also other Commissioners nominated by Her Majesty by the Authority of the Parliament of Scotland have met and agreed upon a Treaty of Union of the said Kingdoms which Treaty is now under the Consideration of this present Parliament And whereas the said Treaty (with some Alterations therein made) is ratified and approved by Act of Parliament in Scotland and the said Act of Ratification is by Her Majesties Royal Command laid before the Parliament of this Kingdom And whereas it is reasonable and necessary that the true Protestant Religion professed and established by Law in the Church of England and the Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government thereof should be effectually and unalterably secured
[I.] Exception, and other Acts, in force for ever.
An . . .
Act made in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second intituled An Act for the Uniformity of Publick Prayers and Administration of Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies and for establishing the Form of making ordaining and consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Church of England (other than such Clauses in the said Acts or either of them as have been repealed or altered by any subsequent Act or Acts of Parliament) and all and singular other Acts of Parliaments now in force for the Establishment and Preservation of the Church of England and the Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government thereof shall remain and be in full force for ever.
II. Successors to the Crown to take an Oath to maintain the Settlement of the Church of England.
And after the Demise of Her Majesty (whom God long preserve) the Sovereign next succeeding to Her Majesty in the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Great Britain and so for ever hereafter every King or Queen succeeding and coming to the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Great Britain at His or Her Coronation shall in the Presence of all Persons who shall be attending assisting or otherwise then and there present take and subscribe an Oath to maintain and preserve inviolably the said Settlement of the Church of England and the Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government thereof as by Law established within the Kingdoms of England and Ireland the Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed and the Territories thereunto belonging
III. This Act to be Part of any Treaty of Union.
And this Act and all and every the Matters and Things therein contained be and shall for ever be holden and adjudged to be a fundamental and essential Part of any Treaty of Union to be concluded between the said Two Kingdoms and also that this Act shall be inserted in express Terms in any Act of Parliament which shall be made for settling and ratifying any such Treaty of Union and shall be therein declared to be an essential and fundamental Part thereof