Registration Act 1693
1693 c.24
Act for Summar Registrations and Discharging Transferrings active
Our Soveraigne Lord and Lady The King and Queens Majesties with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament Statute and Declare That all Writs registrable may be registrate after the death of the Creditor at the Instance of his Heir Executor or Assigney as well as of before and that upon production of a Service or Retoure in the case of Bonds or other Writs heretable or of a Confirmed Testament containing the Bond or other Writ In case they be moveable or of ane speciall Assignation tho not Intimate In the case of either which Registration shall have the same effect both as to probation and summar Execution as if the Creditor were still on life And farther It is Statute That if it shall happen the pursuer to decease at any time dureing the dependence of any process raised at his instance there shall be noe need for hereafter for his Heir Executor or Assigney to raise and obtaine a transferring active but the said Heir Executor or Assigney is hereby allowed upon production of his Service or Retour Confirmed Testament or Speciall Assignation tho not intimate to insist in the principall cause sicklike in all respects as the Pursuer at whose Instance the process was raised might do if he were still on Life but prejudice to Transferrings passive conform to the former practique as accords