Confirmation Act 1690
1690 c.56
Act anent the Confirmation of Testaments
Our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queens Majesties and three Estates of Parliament Considering the great vexatione occasioned to their Majesties Leidges by Commissars and their Clerks fiscalls and officers chargeing them to confirme the Testaments of their deceast Relations Doe hereby discharge and forbid in all tyme comeing all Commissars and their ffiscalls Clerkes and officers to Charge pursue or require any persone to confirme the Testament or give up Inventary of the goods of any other persone defunct except at the instance of the Relict bairnes nearest of Kin and their Tutors and Curators or of a Creditor Declareing all charges pursuites and executions otherwise made and given to be void and Null And farder Their Majesties with consent forsaid Declare that where speciall assignations and dispositions are lawfully made by the defunct tho neither intimate nor made publick in his lifetime they shall be yet good and valid rights and titles to possess bruike enjoy pursue or defend Albeit the soumes of money or goods therein contained be not confirmed without prejudice alwayes to the competitione of Creditors and others and of their rights and diligences as formerly before the makeing heirof