Minority Act 1663 [S]
1663 c. 4
Act in favours of Minors anent the dueties of the lands comprised from them
Our Soverane Lord Considering the favourable condition of Minors who are oftentymes destitute of Tutors and Curators And though they have them Yet inrespect of their minority they are not in capacity or credite to raise sumes of money for satisfaction of their Creditors And it being vnreasonable that their Creditors comprisers of their estate should dureing the not expyreing of the legall reversion which according to law continewes dureing their minority have more advantage by their estate then corresponds to the annuellrent of the true sumes ouing to them by vertew of their compriseings Doth with advice and consent of his Estates of Parliament Ratifie and Approve the act of Parliament made in August 1621 cap. 6 in so far as the samen concernes Minors And Declares that the true meaning thairof Wes and is That minors haveing right to the legall reversion should be no further obleidged dureing their minority of
[ 18 years] of age Bot allenerlie for the annuallrent of the sums contained in the compriseings And that they losse not the right of the superplus of the maills and dueties of the lands So far as the same exceids the saids annuellrents dureing their said minority