Arrestments Act 1661
1661 c.283
Oure Soverane Lord Considering the great Charges that Creditors are put to by compriseing of summs owing to their debitors be vertew of heretable bands contracts and other writs beareing payment of annuellrents which in respect of the obleidgement for annuellrent wer not in former times areistable Therfor the Kings Maiestie with advice and consent of his Estates of Parliament finds and declares that all summs of money which are adebted be bonds contracts and other personall obleidgements whervpon no infeftments have followed are and shall be areistable at the instance of any Creditor Notwithstanding that the bonds contracts and other obleidgements beare payment of annuellrents And the Kings Maiestie with advice and consent forsaid Declares that this shall nowayes change the nature of the saids summs Nor preiudge the air nor any other persone their rights to the same as being heretable Which are heirby declared to remaine in their oune nature vnchangeable be this act prout de iure except that only the same are areistable . . .
But preiudice alwayes to the Creditors to comprise the said heretable sums if they shall choose rather to comprise then to areist