Redemptions Act 1661
1661 c.247
Act anent the redemption of the fee of Dands granted under reversion from the aires and asignayes of the fiars
Our Soverane Lord Considering that infeftments of fie hes been in vse to be and are daylie granted be Parents and others to their eldest sonnes and other neir relations Reserveing their oune lyverents and vnder reversion and with power to them and thair assignayes to redeeme the lands and others contained in the saids infeftments from the saids persones to whom the fie is granted at any tyme dureing the life tyme of the granters for payment of a rose noble or some such lyk soume And sometymes through the informality and vnskilfulnes of Notters and others Writters of such writts and rights mention is not made in the said reversions of the airs and assignayes of the receavers of the saids rights And that they should be redeemable from them and their forsaids Thairfor his Maiestie with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament for removeing and preveening all questions that hes been or may arise vpon the occasion forsaid Doe Declare Statute and Ordaine That in all caces wher any infeftment of fie hes been alreadie granted or shall be granted at any tyme heirafter beirand or affected with a reversion clause provision or condition of reversion and power to any persone and his Assignayes dureing his lifetyme to redeeme from the persones to whom the fie is granted It wes and shall be lawfull to the said persone and his Assignayes dureing the tyme forsaid to redeeme the lands and others contained in the saids fie infeftments Not only from the said fiar himselff but from his aires and assignayes tho they be not exprest Wnleffe it be expreslie provydit that it shall be lawfull only to redeeme from the fiar himselff and not from his aires And it is ordained that in all such caces the Lords of session and other Judges shall proceid and determine conforme to thir presents