Crown Appointments Act 1661
1661 c.6
Act anent the Kingis Majesties prerogative in choiseing and appointing of the Officers of State, Lords of Privy Council and Session
The Estates of Parliament Considering the great obligations that doe ly vpon them from the law of God the lawes of Nations the municipall lawes of the land and their oaths of alledgeance to mantaine and defend the Soverane power and authority of the Kings Maiestie and the sad consequences that doe accompany any incroachments thervpon or diminutions thairof Doe therfor from their sense of humble duetie Declare That it is an inherent Priveledge of the Croun and ane vndoubted parte of the Royall prerogative of the Kings of this Kingdome to have the sole choise and appointment of the Officers of Estate and privy Councellors and the nomination of the Lords of the Session as in former times preceiding the yeer 1637 And that the Kings sacred Maiestie and his aires and successors are for ever be vertew of that Royall power which they hold from God Almichtie over this Kingdome To enjoy and have the full exercise of that right . . .