Parricide Act 1594
1594 c.30
For pvnisement of parricide
Oure Souerane Lord and estatis of this present parliament Vnderstanding the abhominable and odious crueltie that hes bene at sumtymes heirtofoir vsit within this realme be children aganis thair parentis in murthering of thame and takand of thair lyves maist vnnaturally Hes thairfoir statute and Ordanit that quhatsumeuir he be that hes slayne or sall heireftir slay his father or mother guidschir or guddame and hes bene alreddie or salbe heireftir convict be ane assyise The committaris of the said cryme and his posteritie in linea recta salbe disheresit in all tyme heireftir fra thair landis heretages takis possessionis And the samyn sall apertene to the nixt collaterall and narrest of blude quha vtherwayes micht succeid falyeing of the richt lyne