Ejection Caution Act 1594
1594 c.27
That cautioun be found in actionis of eiectioun
Oure Souerane Lord with auise of the estaitis of this present parliament Vnderstanding the greit disordour quhilk hes arysen and daly dois aryse among his hienes leigis quhar as personis wrangouslie intrusing thame selffis in the rowmes and possessionis of vtheris be bangstre and force being altogither vnresponsall thame selffis mantenis thair possessioun thairof And quhen thai ar challengit befoir the lordis of the sessioun or vther Jugeis ordiner be the pairtie grevit The personis intrusaris of thame selffis in sic possessioun delayis the mater be proponing of peremptour exceptionis quhilkis ar nocht of veritie and delayis vpoun the probatioun thairof And efter lang pley quhen as the pairtie grevit hes gottin decreit Ordaning him to be repossessit to his rowme and proffittis thairof his pairtie being vnresponsall altogider gettis na commoditie thairof for remeid of the quhilk It is statute and Ordanit that in all tyme cuming the pairtie persewit be ane vther for eiectioun sall find cautioun for the violent proffittis as in causes of removing the first dyet of the litiscontestatioun or vtherwyis decreit to be gevin ordinand the pairtie to be repossessit