Tolls Act 1587
1587 c.37
Aganis extraordiner impositionis layed vpoun victuallis
Forsamekle as ane of the speciall causes of derth proceidis frome the exorbitant custumes and impositionis layed vpoun victuallis coirnis and guidis cumand to mercattes fre portis or heavins without ony warrand and quhairof thai have not bene in vse and custume past memoir of man quhilk is ane oppressioun of the people and ane caus of incres of derth Thairfoir our souerane lord with auise of the thre estaitis of parliament forbiddis and discharges throw the haill realme all sic custumes and impositionis quhairof thair is na warrand Nather haif the intromettouris and vptakeris thairof and thair predicessouris bene in vse and possessioun thairof past memoir of man . . .
And ordanis the takeris of the saidis exorbitant impositionis To be callit thairfoir and quhateuer they have vptane to be adiugeit to rander the samin to the kingis Maiesties vse . . .