Church Act 1579
1579 c.6
Anent the trew and haly kirk and of thame declarit not to be of the same
Oure souerane lord with auise and consent of the thrie estaitis and haill body of this liament ratifeis and appreuis all and quhatsumeuir actis and statutis maid of befoir be his hienes with auise regentis in his awin Regnne or his predicessouris anent the freidome and libertie of the trew kirk of god and religioun now presentlie professit within this realme And specialie ratifeis and apprevis the sext act of his hienes parliament haldin in the first yeir of his hienes Regnne intitulat Anent the trew and haly kirk and of thame that ar declarit not to be of the samyne Ordaning the same to be heir insert of new (becaus of sum defectioun and informalitie of wordis in default of the prentair) in this forme Oure souerane lord with auise of his thrie estaitis and haill body of this present parliament hes declarit and declaris the ministeris of the blissed euangel of Jesus chryst quhome god of his mercie hes now raisit vp amangis ws Or heirefter sall raise aggreing with thame that now levis in doctrine and administratioun of the sacramentis And the people of this realme that professis Jesus christ as he is now offerit in his evangell and do communicat with the haly sacramentis as in the reformit kirkis of this realme ar publictlie administrat according to the confessioun of the fayth To be the only trew and haly kirk of Jesus christ within this realme And decernis and declaris that all and sindrie quha vther gaynesayis the word of the evangell ressauit and apprevit As the heidis of the Confessioune of the fayth professit in parliament of befoir in the yeir of 1560 As alsua specifijt and registrat in the actis of parliament maid in the first yeir of his hienes regnne mair particularlie dois expres ratifeit alsua and appreuit in this present parliament Or that refuses the participatioune of the haly sacramentis as they ar now ministrat To be na membris of the said kirk within this realme and trew religioune now presentlie professit sa lang as they keip thame selffis sa deuydit from the societie of christis body