Burghs Act 1578
1578 c.11
The Ratificatioun of the preuilegis of burrowis with additioun
Oure souerane Lord with auise of his thrie estaittis of this parliament hes ratefeit and apprevit and be the tennour heirof Ratefeis and appreves of new all actis and constitutionis of parliament maid be quhatsumeuer our souerane Lordis predicessouris of befoir in fauouris of the burrowis and burgesses of all this realme inhabitantis of the samyn with all prevelegis fredomes Immuniteis and liberteis grantit and gevin to thame and euerie ane of thame and decernis and declaris the samin to haif full strenth force and effect in all tymes heirefter sua that the samyn may be putt to full and dew executioun in all pointtis and to stand as ane perpetuall law to thame and thair successouris with this additioun gevand thame fredome and prevelege to convene four tymes in the yeir for sic materis as concernis thair estait And that in quhat burgh it salbe thocht expedient to the maist part of the saidis burrowis Provyding alwayis for eschewing of tumultis that thair be present at the saidis conventionis for euerie burgh in nowmer ane except the toun of edinburgh to haif ane ma nor the vtheris burrowis