Church Jurisdiction Act 1567
1567 c.12
Anent the iurisdictioun of the kirk
Item Anent the artickle proponit and geuin in be the Kirk to my Lord Regent and the thre Estatis of this present Parliament anent the iurisdictioun iustlie appertening to the trew Kirk and immaculat spous of Jesus Christ to be declarit and expressit as the artickle at mair lenth is consauit The Kingis grace with auise of my Lord Regent and thre Estatis of this present Parliament hes declarit and grantit iurisdictioun to the said Kirk quhilk consistis and standis in preicheing of the trew word of Jesus Christ correctioun of maneris and administratioun of haly Sacramentis And declaris that thair is na vther face of Kirk nor vther face of Religioun than is presentlie be the fauour of God establischeit within this Realme And that thair be na vther iurisdictioun ecclesiasticall acknawlegeit within this Realme vther than that quhilk is and salbe within the same Kirk or that quhilk flowis thairfra concerning the premissis . . .