II. High treason by writing, deed, print, or act to occasion disturbance to his crown of Ireland, in name, stile, &c. The forfeiture. Saving the rights of others.
And if anie person or persons, of what estate, dignitie, or condition soever they or he be, subject, or resiant within Ireland, by writing or imprinting, or by any exterior act or deede, maliciously procure or doe, or cause to be procured or done, any thing or things to the perill of the King
’s majesties most royall person, or maliciously give occasion by writing, deede, print, or act, whereby the King
’s majestie, his heyres or successors, or any of them might be disturbed or interrupted of the crown of Ireland, or of the name, stile, or title thereof, or by writing, deede, print, or act, procure or doe, or cause to be procured or done, any thing or things, to the prejudice, slaunder, disturbance, or derogation of the King
’s majestie, his heyres or successors, in, of or for the crowne of Ireland, or in, of or for the name, title, or stile thereof, whereby his Majestie, his heyres or successors, or any of them might be disturbed or interrupted in body, name, stile, or title of inheritance, of, in, or to the crowne of Ireland, or of the name, stile, title, or dignitie of the same, that then every such person and persons, of what estate, degree or condition they be, subject or resiants within Ireland, and their aidours, counsaylours, mainteyners, and abbetours therein, and everie of them, for everie such offence, shall be adjudged high traytors, and everie such offence shall be adjudged and deemed high treason, and the offendours, their aydors, counsailours, maintaynours, and abbetours therein, and every of them being lawfully convicted of any such offence, by presentment, verdict, confession, or proofes, according to the customes and laws of Ireland,
[ be liable to imprisonment for life], as in cases of high treason; and also shall lose and forfeit unto the King
’s highnesse, and to his heyres, Kings ofIreland, all such his mannors, landes, tenements, rents, reversions, annuities, and hereditaments, which they had in possession as owner, and were sole seised in their own right, of, by, or in any title or meanes, or in any other person or persons, had to their use of any estate of inheritance, at the day of any such treason and offences by them committed and done. And that also every such offendour shall lose and forfeit to the King
’s highnesse, and to his said heyres, as well all manner such estates of freehold, and interest for yeares of lands and rents, as all the goods, cattels and debts, which they or any of them had, at the time of their conviction or attaindour of, or for any such offence, saving alway to every person and persons, and bodies politique, their heyres, successours, and assignes, and to every of them, other then such persons as shall be so convicted or attainted, their heyres and successours, and all other clayming to their use, all such right, title, use, interest, possession, condition, rents, fees, offices, annuities, commons and profites, which they or any of them shall happen to have, in, to or upon any such manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, annuities, and hereditaments, which so shall happen to be lost and forfeited, by reason and occasion of any of the treasons or offences above rehearsed, any time before the said treasons or offences committed or done.