College of Justice Act 1532
1532 c.2
Concerning the ordour of Justice and the institutioun of ane college of cunning and wise men for the administracioun of Justice
Item Anent the Secund artikle concerning the ordoure of Justice Becaus our souerane Is maist desyrous to haue ane permanent ordoure of Justice of the vniuersale wele of all his liegis and thairfor tendis to Institute ane college of cunning and wise men . . .
for the doing and administracioune of Justice In all ciuile actiouns and thairfor thinkis to be chosin certane persounes maist convenient and qualifyit thairfore . . .
with ane president The quhilkis persouns sall be auctorizat . . .
to sitt and decyde apoun all actiouns ciuile . . .
And thir persounes to be sworne to minister Justice equaly to all persouns in sic causis as sall happin tocum before thaim with sic vthir rewlis and statutis as sall pleise the kingis grace to mak and geif to thaim for ordouring of the samin The thre estatis of this present parliament thinkis this artikle wele consauit And thairfor the kingis grace with avise and consent of the saidis thre estatis ordanis the samin to haue effect In all punctis and now ratifyis and confermes the samin And has chosin . . .
persounes . . .
to the effect forsaid quhais processes sentencis and decretis sall haue the samin strenth force and effect as the decretis of the lordis of sessioune had in all tymes bigane . . .