Diligence Act 1469
1469 c.12
Anent the distrenying of tenandis for the lordis dettis
Item To eschow the gret herschip and distructionis of the kingis commonis malaris and Inhabitaris lordis landis throw the force of the brefe of distres that quhare ony sovmes ar optenit be virtu of the said brefe vpoun the lord Awnare of the ground that the gudis and catal of the pure mennis Inhabitaris of the ground ar takin and distrenyeit for the lordis dettis quhare the malis extendis nocht to the avail of the det It Is avisit and ordanit in this present parliament that fra hyne furth the pure tenandis sal nocht be distrenyit for the lordis dettis forthir than his termes mail extendis . . .
And gif the creditour takkis the termes mail be virtu of the brefe of distres It sall nocht be leful to the lorde to tak It again . . .