VAT claim for exemption for supplies allegedly made by members club satisfying conditions in the two indents to Article 13A(2)(a) VAT Sixth Directive holding that club did not satisfy second of those indents appeal dismissed
BRIAN BALL Appellant
- and -
Tribunal: Mr J D Demack (Chairman)
Sitting in public in Manchester on 30th June 2004
The Appellant in person
Mr Nigel Poole of Counsel instructed by the Solicitors office of HM Customs and Excise for the Respondents
" they [bodies providing certain services closely linked to sport or physical education supplied by non-profit making organisations to persons taking part in sport or physical education] shall not systematically aim to make a profit, but any profits nevertheless arising shall not be distributed, but shall be assigned to the continuance or improvement of the services supplied.
they shall be managed and administered on an essentially voluntary basis by persons who have no direct or indirect interest, either themselves or through intermediaries, in the results of the activities concerned.").
- "It describes the club as "a members' club formed for mutual benefit" and it provides that, in the event that the club should be dissolved, any surplus of funds over liabilities is to be distributed equally between the then members. Save for those two features, the proposed constitution bears none of the characteristics one would expect of the constitution of a members' club. There is no provision for a chairman, secretary or a committee. Existing members are given no say in the admission of new members, nor in the level of membership subscriptions or the purposes to which those subscriptions are to be put. Instead, the constitution provides that "the management and administration of the club and its property shall be vested solely and without constraint in Brian Ball or his successor ('the Administrator')."
- The constitution goes on to confer upon the Administrator the power to collect membership fees and, one must infer since there is no other relevant provision to fix their amount. Similarly the Administrator is granted the power to employ staff and to run the club entirely as he thinks fit. There is no provision whatever for the members to contribute in any way to the running of the club on the contrary, they are precluded from doing so. Similarly it is the Administrator rather than the members who makes the rules for the day-to-day running of the club, dealing with such matters as the booking of facilities, the hiring of towels and the use of lockers. "
RELEASE DATE:21/07/2004