Department of Health and Social Care -v- The Information Commissioner [2020] UKUT 299 (AAC) (27 October 2020)
Information Rights - section 35(1(a) FOIA exemption 'chilling effect' and 'safe space' - section 2(2)(b) balancing exercise - whether the FTT misdirected itself in law and failed to give proper weight to the prejudice to the public interest that would be caused by disclosure - whether the FTT failed to place any weight on the harm that disclosure would cause to the public interest in protecting the "safe space" for policy formulation - whether the tribunal misdirected itself on the question of "live" policy formulation - whether the FTT was wrong to focus on the contents of documents as individual packets of information rather than considering the documents as a whole or considering the whole of the information in a document as a package.
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