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Vesco v (1) Information Commissioner and (2) Government Legal Department (Information rights - Environmental information - exceptions) [2019] UKUT 247 (AAC) (1 August 2019)
See: [2018] UKFTT 2018_0109 (GRC)
Judicial Summary
Information rights - request for environmental information within the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 ("EIRs") - EIRs implement obligations under EU Council Directive 2003/4/EC which in turn falls to be interpreted in accordance with the Aarhus Convention - applicable tests under Regulation 12 of the EIRs when a public authority wishes to refuse to disclose information to the extent that the request for information is manifestly unreasonable - whether tribunal erred in law by failing to apply all applicable tests under Regulation 12 of the EIRs (yes)
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