[2008] UKSSCSC CCS_2696_2007 (28 February 2008)
The case as presented to the appeal tribunal of 25 April 2007
The appeal tribunal's decision
"5. Tribunal found that there is no statutory authority which gives power to the Secretary of State to make retrospective assessments of Child Support liability if there was no assessment liability in the first place. The Secretary of State provided no evidence that a decision had ever been made on the application made by the [mother] in 2000 when it was common ground that the case was in fact closed.
6. The Secretary of State produced no reference to any legislation that authorised the Secretary of State to issue a retrospective maintenance assessment when there was no decision in the first place. There was no evidence that the [father] had ever been notified of a child support maintenance claim or any assessment and no evidence that the [father] had paid any maintenance under the Child Support legislation."
The appeal to the Commissioner
"It is arguable that the appeal tribunal failed to give an adequate explanation of why there was not jurisdiction to make maintenance assessments on the parent with care's application received on 8 May 2000, with effective dates starting on 16 June 2000, on the basis that no decision had ever been given on that application and that there was therefore nothing to prevent a decision being made on 14 August 2006. The notion of a case being closed is an administrative one that does not seem to have an immediate connection to the legal powers of the Child Support Agency or the Secretary of State. There was some evidence that a maintenance enquiry form (MEF) was sent to the absent parent's last notified address on 16 June 2000 and in accordance with regulation 30(2)(a) of the Child Support (Maintenance Assessment Procedure) Regulations 1992 the effective date of a new maintenance assessment depends on the date when a MEF is sent to an absent parent, regardless of when it is received or whether it is received at all. Yet the appeal tribunal did not examine the evidence of the sending of a MEF or say what effect in law it would have if it were concluded that one had been sent on 16 June 2000 (as had apparently been accepted by the Parliamentary Ombudsman)."
The appeal tribunal's errors of law
The need for a rehearing by a new appeal tribunal
The Commissioner's decision and directions to the new appeal tribunal
(Signed) J Mesher
Date: 28 February 2008