[2006] UKSSCSC CAF_1416_2006 (21 July 2006)
"7. … The Appellant served in the Royal Navy from 1956 to 1965. He described an incident on a ship's deck when he was showered with a soot-like substance whilst he was sunbathing. Since then he had markings on his skin which he sees as causation of his subsequent skin problems. There was intermittent referral to doctors over the subsequent years but as far as the appellant is concerned he had daily skin problems.
"8. There is an authoritative Specialist Opinion at page 43 dated 1/2/04 which states 'He has had constitutional eczema for the last 40 years …'. This view would be consistent with accepted medical practice.
"9. Arthritis The Appellant has had Osteoarthritis Left Knee but also widespread skeletal symptoms affecting almost all major joints. It is evidentially impossible to attribute causation to any particular joint in the absence of trauma involving the joint itself."
"No error of law is noted but new evidence is possibly material.
"N.B. This may be an appropriate case for Set Aside on the basis of new evidence otherwise the Appellant could proceed to appeal."
(signed on the original) MARK ROWLAND
21 July 2006