[2005] UKSSCSC CDLA_1714_2005 (09 September 2005)
"I cook for myself a main meal on days that I do not have severe discomfort and pain or restricted movement because of my Osteoarthritis and Patellofemoral component, or have become unwell because of my Diabetes, then I have to make do with a snack.
On days I have severe discomfort I need help to prepare a meal.
Cooking is only possible if the ingredients are available. I cannot always get out to do the shopping.
I do injure myself by twisting or putting too much weight on one leg or knee, when looking in my refrigerator or moving about the kitchen."
"The appellant's husband accepted in evidence before the tribunal that if the ingredients were to hand and the appellant used a perching stool, she could prepare a cooked main meal for one person. She could also utilise a slotted spoon or other helpful cooking implements."
(signed on the original) E A L BANO
9 September 2005