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UKSSCSC CIS_579_2004 (12 May 2004)
"I am writing to you in response to your Solicitor's request to pay the difference between the amount of Income Support which would have been paid and the amount of support you received in vouchers, for the period between the time you applied for asylum and the date it was granted. The Decision Maker has decided that it cannot be paid because you did not apply for this within 28 days of your receiving the notification from the Home Office."
"(1) Where a person has submitted a claim for asylum and is notified that he has been recorded by the Secretary of State as a refugee within the definition in Article 1 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees done at Geneva on 28th July 1951 as extended by Article 1(2) of the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees done at New York on 31st January 1967 he shall cease to be a person from abroad for the purposes of regulation 21 (special cases) and Schedule 7 (applicable amounts in special cases) from the date he is so recorded.
(2) Except in the case of a refugee to whom paragraph (3) refers, a refugee to whom paragraph (1) applies, who claims Income Support within 28 days of receiving the notification referred to in that paragraph, shall have his claim for income support for whichever of the periods referred to in paragraph (4) applies in his case determined as if he had been an asylum seeker for the purposes of regulation 70 (urgent cases) in respect of any such period.
(4) The periods to which this paragraph refers are –
(a) in the case of a claimant who made a claim for asylum upon arrival in the United Kingdom, the period from the date on which his claim for asylum was first refused by the Secretary of State or 5th February 1996 if that is later, to the date he is recorded by the Secretary of State as a refugee;
(b) in the case of a claimant whose claim for asylum is made other than on arrival in the United Kingdom, the period from the date of that claim, or 5th February 1996 if that is later, to the date he is recorded by the Secretary of State as a refugee."
Express claim
"Implied claim"
"Deemed claim"
Mrs. A. Rowley
Deputy Commissioner
Dated 12 May 2004