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Wait until they are told the result of their claim. If they are awarded either Attendance Allowance or the MIDDLE or HIGHER rate CARE COMPONENT of Disability Living Allowance then you should claim ICA again. Do so as soon as they are told the result of their claim or you could lose benefit.
To get ICA either Attendance Allowance or the middle or higher rate CARE COMPONENT of Disability Living Allowance must be payable to the person you look after.
Although this claim has been unsuccessful you can claim ICA again if they are awarded one of these benefits in the future. The fact that you have claimed now may protect your entitlement to backdated ICA in any future successful claim you make."
There may have been similar information in the letter of 28 September 1998, as only the first page is copied in the papers.
"(21) Where a person has claimed invalid care allowance and that claim ("the original claim") has been refused, and a further claim is made in the circumstances specified in paragraph (22), that further claim shall be treated as made--
(a) on the date of the original claim; or
(b) on the first day in respect of which the qualifying benefit was payable in respect of the disabled person,
whichever is the later.
(22) The circumstances referred to in paragraph (21) are that--
(a) the original claim was refused on the ground that the disabled person was not a severely disabled person within the meaning of section 70(2) of the Contributions and Benefits Act;
(b) at the date of the original claim the disabled person had made a claim for a qualifying benefit, and that claim had not been determined;
(c) after the original claim had been determined, the claim for the qualifying benefit was determined in the disabled person's favour; and
(d) the further claim for invalid care allowance was made within three months of the date that the claim for the qualifying benefit was determined."
"Qualifying benefit" covers any benefit specified in section 70(2).
"error made by an officer of the Department of Social Security ... or the Department for Education and Employment acting as such which no person outside any of those Departments caused or to which no person outside any of those Departments materially contributed."
There has subsequently been an amendment to the definition.
(Signed) J Mesher
Date: 10 February 2003