"DLA amounting to £1921-75 for the period from 9/3/98 to 6/12/98 cannot be paid. This is because payment was not obtained within 12 months from the date that [the claimant] had the right to be paid and I am not satisfied that there was continuous good cause for not asking for payment from a date within that 12 month period up to the day on which the request was made. There is no evidence to show requests for arrears of DLA to be made between 9/3/98 and 7/12/99. The right to be paid is treated as arising on 7/12/98."
The law used was regulation 38 of the Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations 1987.
"DLA for the period from 5/5/97 to 8/3/98 cannot be paid. This is because payment was not obtained within 12 months from the date that [the claimant] had the right to be paid and I am not satisfied that there was continuous good cause for not asking for payment from a date within that 12 month period up to the day on which the request was made. There is no evidence to show requests for arrears of DLA to be made between 5/5/97 to 8/3/98. The right to be paid is treated as arising on 8/3/99 [possibly a slip for 98]."
"In accordance with Regulation 38 of the Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations 1987 the right to payment of benefit is extinguished if payment is not obtained within 12 months from when the right is to be treated as [arising]. As the right [to] payment arose on 7 December 1999, payment cannot be made before 7 December 1999, ie from 6 December 1998 and the good cause is [not] shown for not requesting payment from 5 May 1997."
"(c) in relation to any such sum to which none of (a), (aa) or (b) apply, on such date as the Secretary of State determines or the [Board of Inland Revenue] determine."
(Signed) J Mesher
Date: 15 May 2003