[2002] UKSSCSC CTC_2979_2001 (18 March 2002)
Commissioner's Case no: CTC 2979 2001
The Decision of the Inland Revenue made on 18 September 2000 and revised on
26 October 2000 is confirmed as revised.
Background to the appeal
The appeal procedure
The tribunal decision
"The appeal was against a decision made on 18 September 2000 which decision has been reconsidered on 26 October 2000. The original decision has been upheld on reconsideration. The decision was..."[and the October, not September, decision is then set out].
That is wrong. Further, the tribunal does not appear at any point in its lengthy statement of reasons to have referred to the effect of the revision at all, and that is also wrong. That, combined with the fact that the tribunal did not appear to have noticed who took the decisions, must mean that this decision has to be set aside.
What was being appealed?
The revision
The refusal to revise
The children's pensions
Are the pensions maintenance?
David Williams
18 March 2002
[Signed on the original on the date shown]