[2001] UKSSCSC CDLA_2795_2001 (14 November 2001)
File no: CDLA 2795 2001
The issues in the appeal
Handling the general practitioner's evidence
"The general practitioner's report was in some respects at variance with the examining medical practitioner's and the Tribunal felt that the general practitioner was likely to be under some pressure from the appellant which would render the examining medical practitioner's report preferable."
The comment of the appellant on this was:
"I think the tribunal's decision was wrong because the tribunal preferred the examining medical practitioner's report because they stated I put my general practitioner under pressure to present a report in my favour. This was not the case and the tribunal should have decided on the merits of both reports in an unbiased way."
I granted permission to appeal on that ground. The secretary of state's representative indicated that the appeal is supported on that ground.
The cooking test
" The main meal must be cooked on a daily basis… The test depends on what a claimant can do without help on each day."
My decision
David Williams
14 November 2001