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[1993] UKSSCSC CFC_28_1991 (26 March 1993)
R(FC) 1/94
Mrs. R. F. M. Heggs CFC/28/1991
Income - person provided with free living accommodation by reason of his employment - whether community charge may be deducted from the £12 notional weekly earnings
The claimant made a claim to family credit on 12 December 1990 for herself and three dependant children. The claimant's husband was the vicar of a parish in Yorkshire and was stated to receive free accommodation with his employment. The adjudication officer decided that the claimant should be treated as being in receipt of earnings equal to £12 in respect of the free accommodation in accordance with regulation 19(3)(a) of the Family Credit (General) Regulations, and family credit of £2.64 was awarded. The claimant appealed against this decision. She contended that prior to 1 April 1990 the accommodation was provided free of rent and rates, but since that date both her and her husband had become liable to pay the newly introduced community charge. She argued that because of this the deemed income of £12 should be reduced by the amount of community charge payable by them, because the benefit of the rent free accommodation had been reduced. The tribunal dismissed the appeal. The claimant appealed to the Commissioner.
Held that:
" …… they have taken the sum of £12 per week for the accommodation provided free by the Church. This is in accordance with regulation 19(3)(a) of the Family Credit (General) Regulations. There is nothing in the Family Credit Regulations which allows an offset against that £12 in respect of the community charge and therefore the appeal by Mrs. Hogg [the claimant] on this point must fail.
The argument advanced by Mr. Hogg is that the sum of £12 was fixed at a time when domestic rates were paid and therefore the sum of £12 must reflect to some extent the fact that his accommodation including the rates was free. At the present time there are no rates and he now has to pay a community charge which is a personal tax and therefore the figure of £12 should of necessity be reduced. The tribunal cannot see that there is any provision in the regulations for this proposition. Regulation 19(3)(a) of the Family Credit (General) Regulations applied."
"19.-(1) Subject to paragraph (2) "earnings" means in the case of employment as an employed earner, any remuneration or profit derived from that employment and includes-
(a)-(h) …
(2) Earnings shall not include -
(a) subject to paragraph (3), any payment in kind;
(b)-(c) …
(3) Where living accommodation is provided for a claimant by reason of his employment, the claimant shall be treated as being in receipt of weekly earnings of an amount equal to-
(a) where no charge is made in respect of the provision of that accommodation, £12;
(b) where a charge is made and that weekly charge is less than £12, the amount of the difference,
except that where a claimant satisfies the adjudication officer that the weekly value to him of the provision of that accommodation is an amount less than the amount in sub-paragraph (a) or (b), as the case may be, he shall be treated as being in receipt of that lesser value."
Date: 26 March 1993 (signed) Mrs. R. F. M. Heggs Commissioner