An application under rule 10(2) of the Patent Rules 2007
was filed by Creavo Medical Technologies Limited to
mention Michal Smalera, Benjamin Thomas Hornsby
Varcoe, David Ian Watson and Shima Ghasemi
Roudsari as joint inventors along with Richard Theodore
Michal Smalera, Benjamin Thomas Hornsby Varcoe,
David Ian Watson and Shima Ghasemi Roudsari filed
written consent in support of the application. The patent
proprietor was unable to obtain written consent from the
named inventor, Richard Theodore Grant. In the
absence of consent from Richard Theodore Grant, the
Office wrote to them allowing them a period of six weeks
to file a counter-statement should they wish to oppose
the application. No response was received.
As such, the comptroller considered the application to
be unopposed and found that Michal Smalera, Benjamin
Thomas Hornsby Varcoe, David Ian Watson and Shima
Ghasemi Roudsari should be mentioned as joint
inventors along with Richard Theodore Grant in the
published patent application and the granted patent for
the invention and directed that an addendum slip
mentioning Michal Smalera, Benjamin Thomas Hornsby
Varcoe, David Ian Watson and Shima Ghasemi
Roudsari as joint inventors be prepared for the
published patent application and the granted patent for
the invention.
Full decisionO/0071/23 198Kb