An application under rule 10(2) of the Patent Rules 2007
was filed by Politecnico Di Torino to mention
Katiuscia Sacco as a joint inventor along with Guido
Belforte, Gabriella Eula, Silvia Appendino, Giuliano
Carlo Geminiani and Marina Zettin.
Politecnico Di Torino, Guido Belforte, Gabriella Eula,
Silvia Appendino, Giuliano Carlo Geminiani, Marina
Zettin and Katiuscia Sacco filed written consent in
support of the application. As such, the comptroller
considered the application to be unopposed and found
that Katiuscia Sacco should be mentioned as a joint
inventor along with Guido Belforte, Gabriella Eula, Silvia
Appendino, Giuliano Carlo Geminiani and Marina
Zettin in the granted patent for the invention and
directed that an addendum slip mentioning Katiuscia
Sacco as a joint inventor be prepared for the granted
patent for the invention.
Full decisionO/252/22