The application relates to a means for enabling a user to hand off payment to an alternative payment device when accessing e.g. paid-for content on a smart TV. A suitable default payment device, such as a user-™s mobile phone, within range of a payment requesting device, may be presented with a payment request message. Upon receipt of the message, the payment device presents the user with an option to either perform the payment transaction or hand off the payment to another suitable device. The Hearing Officer applied the four step Aerotel/Macrossan test and considered the AT&T signposts. In identifying the actual contribution, it was determined that the step of requiring user intervention each time a payment was made differentiated the claimed invention from Lenovo and provided the advantage that should the payment be handed off, the transaction would resume rather than be restarted. The contribution was found not to provide the required technical effect and the claimed invention was found to relate solely to a method for doing business and a program for a computer as such, so the application did not meet the requirements of section 1(2)(c). The application was refused under section 18(3).
Full decisionO/1086/22